Chapter 28- static

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You woke up with a piece of watermelon being shoved into your mouth, like seriously, a teenager was bent over you, holding a price in attempts to get it into your mouth. You just about had a heart attack when his golden eyes met yours, it was hella creepy. He gave a smile that was intended to be comforting, but was instead received as a death threat. A half woozy y/n and a creepy ass Slade gets you one freaked out girl. And so you screamed, loud.

"Woah woah woah, your okay, I wondered if you were hungry, and I figured that if you were than you would want watermelon, I cut it up with silver knives, if that even matters to you. But-" he yammered on, acting as if it was just okay that he was attempting to shove a watermelon into your mouth while you were sleeping. But you, being the the people pleaser you always have been (and being scared of this man thouroughly) you interrupted to tell him he was fine.

"No, it's fine, Uhm... hi?" You spoke, completely confused on how you had gotten here, or what had happened at all. The past few hours felt... fuzzy, like the staticky sound the tv would make when it lost connection,  this was really odd, yoh couldn't remember anything outside of your father carrying you to bed, and you crying, sobbing even. You just couldn't recall what the cause was.  huh. that's odd.

"Oh hello!" He spoke, and continued smiling, this guy was kinda creepy, or just veerry out there, his entire aura emanated "Luna love good inspired person whose probably done a Satanist ritual" or something of the such. The watermelon was still in your mouth, but now you were the one holding it, while Slade sat next to you on the bed, braiding pieces of your hair.

"So... what happened?" You asked him, a confused look was written all over your face as you nibbled on the watermelon, the man you could finally recognize as slade tilted his head like a puppy, slightly shocked that you even asked that question, then again, you could just be asking how you got here. But you- no, you had a dazed look on your face, you tottalh forgot everything that happened.

"Oh, you- you freaked out, because you couldn't find b/n, and got really scared. Yeah, father found you crying, curled up in a hamster ball, and so he carried you to bed... yep!" He spoke, in all honesty slade didn't know exactly what had gone down in the moment, but he did. Know that it included your "mother", and that always meant bad things in his book. Your face flushed, you really did that? God... that's embarrassing.

"Ohhhh no need to be embarrassed, your all okay now, it's quite adorable actually. Anywho... totally random question, if you had to live in either russia or Canada, which one would you choose?" He questioned after cooing at your adorableness,  you snickered at the complete randomness before slightly gasp in g at your own actions, you were getting really comfortable with these people, a little too comfortable if you were to ask me... just ignore me.

"Why though? Never m-mind, Canada" You replied to his seemingly meaningless question, this felt oddly like what you thought a sleepover with friends would feel like. Just talking about random shit you would never remember in the future, laughing. Even though the scared you at first, you liked slade, with his mostly playful attitude, and the way he made you laugh and smile. It was kinda hard to get over the creepy ness of his smile, he looked similar to a psychopath, but you should never ever judge a book by its cover... right?

"And then the old hag Jenna who lived across the street, god she was so drab, told mother to "shut her mouth before she did it for her"  and then you'll never guess what mom did... she punched her right in the face! It was so... are you okay babe?" He asked, a moment ago he was talking about the time when your mother got into a fight with- it's a long story, he stopped speaking when he noticed you started fussing with your hands, and biting your lip, Damien spoke to him about this a while ago, saying to "figure out what she's worried about, and crush it". Your head seemed to be off in wonderland.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I-I'm great. But where's b/n, sorry to cut your story." You spoke, wondering where the small boy was at the moment, if he wasn't with you, he was with some of the other family, and you trusted them for the most part with him,  but it still was freaky not knowing where he was, he could be drowinging, or dying, or he could have been set on fire! What if that happened? Then what?

"Whoah woah don't worry boo, he's with ace, in the library. Little buggers probably asleep by now, it's about time for dinner either way, we should go see them"
———————with ace and b/n————————

Ace had actually come prepared for the slobbery toddler thisbtime, he had his Lysol disinfectant spray, and hand sanitizing liquid in a small bottle next to him. He was deadass ready to spray the toddler with the Lysol if he got too close, he had to burn his favorite pair of pants because b/n got slobber all over them, it was disgusting. His brii oh there just about laughed their asses off because of it. Currently, the toddler was laying down on the automobile with a fluffy blanket draped over him, soft little snores came out of his mouth.

"I have a feeling that you will not get to see the joy of life much longer, enjoy the light while you can " Ace spoke to the sleeping boy in a completely monotone voice, yet still was able to make it sound menacing. Based off of the knowledge that they had already found a house, a few actually, it was best to predict that they would actually move to the new home
In a week. And the entire family probably wanted the boy dead by then, so bye bye b/n.

And then ace went back to reading, acting as if the malicious words weren't just passed to the sleeping boy. He just had to wait one more week before he could rid himself of the boy, just one more week

————————-police station————————

"You have one more week, you hear me! If you don't find something scandalous by then, which you won't, this investigation is ended!" The current facility manager exclaimed to the office secretary ,  it had been a whole month and a half since the operation started,  and nothing especially important was dug up. The only real lead they could get was at your house, where eren, ms Kim, and oikawa were at right now.

Usually an office manager wouldn't be able to call the shots like this on a private investigation, but they were spending the money that was funded by the government, and that didn't sit right unless they had major findings, which they hadn't... yet.

The office secretary who wrote things down and organized the teams (who's name is now Victoria) was writing down the exact date in which the case would be forced to an end, when her telephone right next to her started ringing, to which she ignored as she was immersed in her work. Then it rung again, and once more, so she finally picked up the cordless phone, just to hear a the dead serious voice of Officer. Oikawa on the other side.

"Victoria, we need a full search team at the l/n residence stat, this is big, like, very big. Please hurry."

Just wanted to thank all the people who actually read this book, it makes me very happy that I can even remotely create something that people enjoy:)

Have a great day today, bye bye!


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