chapter sixteen

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chapter sixteen: county fair

a/n: ha ha i'm lonely

happy very belated birthday to my friend emdapig

also my friend moth is dating a boy named adam and it makes this story incredibly difficult to write LMAO

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Phillip finally pulls the car into a parking spot, letting the engine sit idle for a moment before he turns it off. The parking lot isn't really a parking lot, just a big field behind the fairgrounds, and the man was having more than a little trouble figuring out how to park his car on it. With the car off, he turns back to look at the kids as he unbuckles his seatbelt, his wife already getting out.

"Alright, we're here." He says unnecessarily.

Adam nods anyway, and she smiles.


With that, Phillip gets out of the car and shuts the door behind him.

Jamie looks down to find her belt buckle, only for two fingers to push her chin up and for Adam to press his lips against hers quickly. A surprised noise comes from the back of her throat and her eyes widen, but before anything can really happen he's pulling away and grinning at her as he opens his door behind him.

"Ballsy, Banks. Ballsy." She mumbles as he gets out.

It was her idea to keep their budding relationship secret from their parents (because she knows their parents very well and knows how annoying they're going to be about this) and, instead of being upset about it, he's made it his entire life's purpose to be a little shit.

Case and point: that kiss.

She struggles to keep up with him as his father turns around to lock the car. Keeping her voice quiet, she smacks him on the arm.

"You're mean, you know that?"

With his hands in his pockets, Adam looks down at her, still smiling cheekily. "Mhm."

"I hope you like my lip smacker, jerk."

Pointedly, he licks her gloss off his lips (which is probably a good thing because they're supposed to be hiding) and nods.

"I do. Is it orange flavored?"

Jamie narrows her eyes playfully because, yes, she is wearing Orange Sh-Orbit.

"You should wear it more."

"I have no idea where you came from, but shove yourself back down. I want my Adam back."

She bumps him with her shoulder, the corners of her lips tilting upwards, and their pinkies brush against one another. Glancing forward she sees that the attention of the married couple is elsewhere, so she grabs his hand in hers. Adam looks down and then back up at her face with a cocked brow, that stupid smile still playing at his lips.

They hold hands all the way up to the ticket booth where his father turns to them after paying

"Okay, kids, we got you two enough tickets to get into most of the rides. Adam, do you have money?"

He nods at his father. "Yes sir."

"Good. Meet up with us at the Ferris wheel at nine, alright?"

Adam nods again, and Jamie nods too.

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