Chapter 44: Camp and Olympus

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"So how exactly are we getting over there?" I asked.

They both looked at me like I was an idiot,...a common look they usually give me.

"Uh the car?" They both said at the same time. This seemed to surprise even themselves as they looked at each other, wide eyed before turning to me.

"Oh that's not gonna work." I walked over to the both of them and looped one arm in mine and looped the other in my other arm. "You're gone get sick, prepare for it" I closed my eyes and imagined us in camp half blood. I felt us dissolve and reappear, the atmosphere was definitely different as the warm air seemed to surround me immediately.

The two next to me immediately let go and curled over trying to get whatever they ate out.

"Sorry, it's just quicker" I said apologetically. The two didn't respond as they continued to be sick.

I looked around us and saw that we were in a cabin, the weird thing was that there were bags everywhere. This was probably the Poseidon cabin but in this world I wasn't alone. Cool.

"Now to the big house!" I announced triumphantly.

The two slowly pushed themselves off the ground. "Remind me to always take your warnings seriously next time" Annabeth said still trying to shake off what happened.

We walked out of the cabin and started the walk over to the big house. I looked around and everything seemed so different. Instead of a lava climbing wall of death there was just a normal climbing wall, and the arena was now a small field with various games like football and soccer going on.

No kids running around with swords, no nothing.

"This is sooo weird!" I accidentally said aloud, the two didn't seem to mind this time though as they didn't pay me any mind.

We kept walking till I spotted them, two people I thought I'd never see again. Silena and Charles Bekendorf. I guess it makes sense that they wouldn't have died. No Gods to send them on deadly quests. I didn't notice the tears pouring down my cheeks as I sprinted forwards and pulled the two in for a hug.

"You two are alive!" I sobbed slightly as I hugged them tighter.

"Percy! You're alive!" Silena exclaimed as she hugged back.

"Percy!" Charles also hugged me, it felt like old times again, except now they didn't have an eminent doom heading their way.

I'm not sure how long we hugged before Annabeth coughed. I let go of the two after saying goodbye and getting a photo of them with my phone as they walked off.

I was gonna follow Annabeth again when I saw another person from my past. Bianca. This time I could only stare as she jogged over a smile on her face.

"Percy?! Oh my Gods hey! You're alive!" She smiled and walked next to Nico who also gave her a smile.

Another round of tears made their way down my cheeks as I smiled and pulled her in for another hug.

"Gods I missed you guys" she smiled in a confused manner while lightly patting my back. I backed up quickly and took a quick picture.

"Alright let's go before I get distracted again." As much as I wanted to go and say hello to everyone I missed I knew that the other world had my true family in it, and they probably wanted me back so I had to hurry.

We walked back to the big house and saw a random man and the Stoll twins. The man was in a wheel chair and I would've said it was Chiron but the man looked almost completely different.

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