Chapter 17: Cooking

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-------------Percy's POV:-------------

I would never admit this to anyone, but I was, in fact, very nervous. I mean, walking in here was kinda terrifying cause I wasn't expecting so many people. With his brothers alone its 4 people aside from me, so when I found 6 people, well you could say I was little more nervous, but I kept my cool and placed my camp smile on and kept rolling. The good part is that I think it's working out. 

Now I was pretty invested in the movie since Finding Dory was like one of the best movies, but I was soon knocked out of my focus when I heard a rumbling coming from my left. I turned to see the Wally kid staring down at his stomach with a mix of an embarrassment and hunger. Immediately Tim's brother, who I'm now realizing I have yet to learn the name of, stood up and they both took off to what I assume to be the kitchen. Though I noticed that the Me'gan girl also stood up and followed. 

It was only what felt like a few moments before Wally came back in. He kneeled down, giving me a wink before turning to Tim. 

"So, Alfred left a note saying that he and Brucie had to leave early. Me'gan and Dick are tryna whip something up but I think you might want to order some emergency pizzas." Wally looked very concerned, not only for himself but when he mentioned Me'gan and Dick cooking he got a sort of panicked look. Because of this I assumed that Dick and Me'gan may not be exactly five star chefs. 

I looked away from Wally to try and read Tim but he had a small look of impatience as he tried to decided what to do. Eventually he just nodded before reaching for his phone. "I'm on it, no way am I getting poisoned tonight." He started dialing a number but I quickly stood up and stopped him. 

"Hey, uh, maybe I can check your pantry? I can cook some dishes that my mom taught me." I offered, I was trying to be the best guest I could be and honestly I wouldn't mind.

Tim once again gained a conflicted look. "Percy, I couldn't ask you to do that. We can just buy a couple pizzas" He tried to reason but I shook my head, I was determined to try and help out. 

"I got this" I grabbed his shoulder, squeezing it slightly before walking off. A minute later I realized I in fact had no idea where I was going so I went back to the room where Wally and Tim were standing, both with amused looks on their faces. "But uh, do you mind showing me to the kitchen?" I asked, a sheepish smile making it's way onto my face. 

Wally nodded and with amazing speed was righting in front of me. He started guiding me, and as I took one glance back into the room, I spotted Tim with phone in hand looking exsasperated. 

I soon pushed this thought out as I walked into a catastrophy. Bowls and ingredients were every where. The two seemed to be working on different dishes, with Me'gan working on what looked to be cookies as she poured a bunch of chocolate chips into a bowl, and Dick on some pancakes but the batter looked curdled and green? I knew something was off so I quickly walked over to Dick. 

"Oh hey!" He smiled as I approached. 

"Hey, did you put food dye in this?" I asked as I looked around the very crowded and powder covered counters. 

"No, these are plain- wait what are you doing with the batter!?" He protested as I swooped the probably poisonous substance away and dumped it into the trash. 

"I'm saving lives, now get out. I got this covered." I tried to make it sound nice but I think it may have come off harsher then intended cause Dick gained a hurt smile and Wally started to chuckle. "Look, I don't know if someone's told you this before but pancakes aren't supposed to naturally be green" I gently pat his back almost as if I was coddling a child. 

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