Chapter 25: Questions

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I'm about to mess all ya'll fools up :P Sorry lol.

------------Tim's pov:---------------

I haven't gotten much sleep tonight. Maybe it was the curiosity that kept me searching or maybe it was the fact that I so badly wanted to prove that Percy was a good person but everything on her only seemed to scream villain in the making or possibly already made. 

After I had gotten home from the dance I had originally planned on starting my search the next day but something in me just had to know, so of course I gave into it and started to look her up. I never ever expected to find that Percy has had a criminal age from the young age of 12, even though it was expunged it still happened, but even before 12 she had other things written in her record, like various expulsions from schools of all sorts. Even one where the specialize on trouble kids. Apparently she'd blown up buses and dunked kids in swimming tanks. In total she'd been kicked out of 6 schools. 

Then at age 12 the whole country went on a man hint looking for her after her mother went missing and her step-father went public about how she was an awful kid. During this time period of being gone she was spotted all over the nation, even being the 'cause' of the st. Louis arch being blown to bits. Then she was found in a gun fight with her supposed captor. 

The list for all the articles seems to go on and on, though most look to have been redacted at some point or another. 

There were even more recent ones where she was seen over in Greece with a bunch of other kids. Though the other kids weren't really described as much as she was. Those happened years ago and it seemed after then she just dropped off the face of the planet. 

By the time I had finished researching her the sun was already coming up. As I closed my laptop I realized that at some point during the night I had moved down stairs and was just sitting in the kitchen. I looked around and noticed that even Alfred wasn't up yet so I decided that today would be a good day to just stay home. As much as I liked Percy I just couldn't see her right now. Maybe it was the fact that I felt lied to or that an odd sense of betrayal was in the air but I just wasn't feeling up to it right now. I picked my laptop up, shoving it under my arm as I walked up the stairs and into my room. 

Was she planning on telling me? Had she even told Piper or Rachel? Was she actually evil or was something up? 

Questions seemed to float around in my head as I entered my room. I set my laptop down on the table next to my bed before face planting into the comfy sheets. They seemed to absorb my issues, easing my mind into a sense of security. As I felt my consciousness drift off I heard a small ding come from my phone. I sighed before pushing myself up to see who it was. 

Percy- Hey, you feeling okay? I didn't see you at the shop today.

My heart squeezed as I felt a twinge of guilt, this was until all the articles seemed to flood back in. My fingers hovered over the keyboard as my heart wanted for me to just ask, maybe there really was a reasonable explanation but my head said that she was bad news. My eyes just wanted to sleep. So in a compromise I sent a text back. 

"Hey, I'm feeling okay, it was a late night. Can we meet up tomorrow? I need to ask you something" 

I watched as the message bubble for her disappear and reappear before disappearing and appearing once again. 

Percy- Yeah sure, get some rest and tomorrow we can meet at my place. I'll have coffee and cookies prepared for you. 

I couldn't stop the smile that rose to my face. Even after everything she still managed to make me smile. I sighed before collapsing into my bed once more, this time the sleep catching up with me as I thought of things that I wanted to ask her. 

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