Chapter 27 - Doctor Crane

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Right so just to clear something up, i'm casting Cillian Murphy as Jonathan Crane in this book. I just preferred his portrayal and it fits better with the darker theme here, not to say the Gotham actor was bad! If you'd rather imagine Charlie as Crane then that's okay too!! all respect to each other and each other's opinions here pls x

The support has been overwhelming! I have so much to come and i'm glad you're all enjoying what's out now:)

Also I hope you like the longer chapters!


"Do you at least have a gun?" Kit hissed a little as she followed the suited man from the car, to what felt like impending doom. She didn't have a gun still, having unloaded on her commissioner during the fallout with Tetch.

"Obviously." He usually had a gun on him. Something about the lifestyle he led had coaxed him to start arming himself anytime he left the house. You never know with Gotham, and when someone was as important as Nygma was, there was bound to be some kind of threat. He concealed it well enough because he was quite sure that Katherine had never seen it, despite numerous encounters. Except for that one time but that was intentional and didn't count.

Kit had to try to keep up as Edward took a sudden left turn between two buildings.

"Oh good, now you're taking me down crack alley." She sighed.

Edward glanced at her for half a second but kept walking, avoiding disturbingly coloured puddles that may taint the leather of his shoes for good. She was anxious. But he'd rather she was like this than outright afraid. He didn't want to see her afraid but he also didn't want her to know that. Kit believed he had some sort of hyper fixation, a morbid obsession, with her and it was easier to keep it that way right now. That was simpler than explaining how he hadn't felt this kind of pull to another human being in his entire life.

"You're nervous. Stop it, it's annoying. You wanted to arrest Crane, this is where he is."

The detective sighed and carried on following the criminal deeper into this strange alleyway. She copied where he stepped, so she too could avoid treading in the ominous looking puddles. Edward had mentioned it had been a lab of the illegal sort but she still found herself reacting to the shadiness of the setting. Even though it was late morning, it was cloudy and grey and looked so dark that one might mistake it for evening. But that's what Gotham was; a hierarchical city of business with a dark, dingy underbelly. Well, this was the underbelly.

"This isn't exactly your scene either."

"And yet I haven't complained once." He retaliated just as quickly.

"How refreshing." Kit thought that she had scoffed the comment quiet enough for Edward to not have heard. It wasn't like it wasn't true. In the short time she had known Edward Nygma, he was constantly complaining, what's more was that he usually complained about her.

He had heard her. Edward had always put it down to his intelligence, his frustration and irritation with everything and everyone was just because he was so much smarter than them. He'd learnt to mask it with an almost patronising nice guy routine, one that he'd fooled himself into believing for some time. But at his core, he could be bitter and entitled, and it was very true that he complained often.

"Please remember which of us you're accusing, my dear, I'm not as anxious about this as him," He reminded her, raising his voice slightly as if to prove that he'd heard just fine. Ed couldn't help the smug smile on his face when, instead of retaliating, Kit grumbled. "Onto more pressing matters. There's no way you're going to be able to get close enough to slap cuffs on him without chemical warfare. First, we disarm him. You can arrest him when I say and not a moment before. You've still got your little handcuffs, right? Perfect. Oh, and let me do the talking. Alright?"

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