Chapter 4 - Machiavelli

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As Kit approached the building she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She had made it to the library in record time. Before slipping away from the station, she had told Officer Gulliver to send backup and bomb disposal to the library in twenty minutes, despite what Zsasz said.

Meaning she had about twenty-five minutes max to assess the situation by herself.

Kit triggered the fire alarm in the library swiftly and subtly to clear the entire premises, watching people evacuate quickly as staff hurried them along, given this wasn't a planned drill. The library was checked by the detective, she couldn't find any trace of a bomb. Kit made a mental note to smack Zsasz round the head if this was a lie. Every desk, every aisle of shelves, every room, it seemed clear. It didn't help at all that Kit had no idea what sort of explosive she was looking for.

That's when she came upon a door that looked like it ought to have been closed, because it led up to the roof. The harsh cold air hit her in the face and nipped at her but that wasn't what caught her attention. The man in the green suit was what caught her attention.

"Katherine. How wonderful of you to join me. Zsasz played his part well, I hope." His voice rang out, slightly distorted by the wind.

"Okay. Very theatrical of you." Her tone wasn't an impressive one, as she ignored his comment. She sighed and watched him standing there, this time he wore a hat which added another couple of inches to his already towering height. Kit wasn't particularly short herself but next to him, she look stunted in growth.

"Well yes, I do have a flare for the dramatics, I have to admit. You knew it was me?" He grinned, clearly very proud of himself.

Kit found herself both relieved and irritated. The entire bomb ploy had been just that? A ploy. Nygma had been to one to call Zsasz and give the instructions. She thought it had been, ever since the assassin brought up her full name the day after she had given it to Nygma. It was too much of a coincidence. Who even let him take that damn call?

"I had a feeling. So there's no bomb. What do you need from me?" Kit stared back at the tall man with. a neutral expression on her face.

"Oh no, no, no, no! There is a bomb."

Kit hadn't even noticed the laptop until Edward had pointed over to it. It sat on the raised edge of the rooftop and for a second she wanted to launch it onto the street below. But that probably wouldn't serve anyone any good. Suddenly her heart was hammering again and Kit started to make sense of what she was seeing. She was looking at a countdown: 8 minutes. That's how long left Kit had to live, was it? That's how long she had to make her peace? Was there any peace to be made? Could it even be made in 8 minutes?

"Don't worry, Katherine. I don't want you dead yet and I'm certainly not going to risk my life. The bomb is, in fact, under The GCPD. It's time to test just how clever you are, detective, if you want to save your associates"

"I just came from th- So, did you bring Jim and I to the docks last night to get us out of the GCPD-?" Kit stopped herself from complaining about the time it took her to sprint from the station into the city centre, as a realisation finally dawned on her.

"Just long enough for a spineless rat on my payroll to plant a nifty explosive under your precinct. I didn't actually plan on Zsasz being involved but he was more than helpful in passing on the message. He even got Jim out of the way, so it seems." Judging by the absence of her Commissioner, Edward assumed that it had been Zsasz who was in some way responsible.

Actually that had been her fault. Not that she would admit it to him.

"Is he aware that you plan to blow him up, Nygma? He's in that building." Kit frowned. Zsasz didn't seem like the suicidal type.

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