My Team, My Life

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Third person
Robin: You Sold Me Out!

Ms. Bug: Yeah, I did.

Talon: This is where you choose sides, once and for all.

And with that, he jumped away. Batman ran after him but Damian stopped him. "Talon was right about one thing. The decision you make tonight will define you for the rest of your life." He shot his grappling hook and swung off to get him. Damian held one of his birdarangs in his hand then threw it at him aiming for the line, but Marinette came between them, catching it. "Bats, get Talon, I'll deal with the spoiled brat."

Damian: There was always something I really didn't like about you. I don't understand you and it infuriates me.

Ms. Bug: That goes both ways.

Damian: Why are you always against me? Is it because of father?

Ms. Bug: Far from it actually. I do what I think is right for me to do.
Tonight will not only define you, but it will carve a path for me as well. Tonight, I'm on my own team...This is my life. And I'm not letting you nor the League take that away from me.

She unclipped her cape as it fell to the ground behind her. She positioned herself in a fighting stance as her eyes faded into red. "You really want to this?" Damian asked. "I wouldn't be standing like this if I didn't want to." she countered. He unclipped his hood as well, "This will be fun." Marinette gave a determined grin as Damian leapt forward. Marinette dodged his first attack, backflipping away.

She threw a few punches then a kick. He blocked them using his hands. She grabbed his hands, pulling him to meet her. She head-slammed her face into his nose, pushing him back. A stream of blood rolled down from his nostril. He wiped it away, staring at me. "Now I'm getting serious. You weren't this good back at the League." She smirked widely, "I was always this good, just never showed it. I was leading you on a false confidence in yourself."

He sighed opening his eyes to reveal an angry blood red. "You're going to regret that." Damian pounced at her, growing his nails. She dodged a second before he could cut her throat, but not in time to prevent the loss of a few strands of her hair. She glared at him. They exchanged kicks, punches and dodges. Marinette grabbed his hand and threw him off the roof. She followed, flying down. He landed on a glass roof down below, but not too hard that it would break, but it was cracked.

He got up flying facing me. He looked pissed. He dashed towards me as I tried my best to block but I wasn't fast enough as he managed punch me in my stomach. He grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back. I felt his breath on my neck. He was about to bite down when I used my other hand to stop him and He used his free hand to push mine away. And now we were both stuck in this position.

"See, this is exactly what I mean. All you care about is blood and death and killing! You still can't even answer my question!" He halted his attempt to bite but tightened the grip on my arms. "Can you even answer it..-" But I cut him. "Yeah I did! Talia asked me before the headquarters came down. She asked me if I would kill for you. You know what I said... I said yes dammit!"


"Marinette, I want you to promise me something." I replied, "What's that?" She then looked straight into my eyes, it was like an empty, deep, dark abyss.

"I want you to protect my son, and never leave his side. And I want you to kill for his sake." My eyes widened at her last statement as she walked away. "Yes, Of course. I'll do anything for him if he so pleases and for the betterment of the League." I breathed out as I returned to my room, not even getting an ounce of sleep that night.

His grip loosened a bit, and me wanting to win this fight, would've taken control but something stopped me. I untangled myself and pushed him away from the glass-roofed building. That's when an explosion went off as I was right above it. I watched Damian as the smoke and fire surrounded me. And that was the last thing I remembered....


BOOM!! *smoke and fire*

Batman: Oh sh*t.

Batman: Robin! Bug!


Batman: Robin, where are you!?

Down here! It's Marinette!!

Batman searched the debris that was surrounded and hidden by the flames everywhere. He then spotted shadows down below. He jumped down and cautiously made his way over to it. Once he arrived, he watched Damian with tears in his eyes, holding a burnt Marinette in his arms. Bruce was about to take her but Damian didn't allow it. "We need to get out of here and take Marinette to the batcave. Are you just gonna stare at her and watch her slowly die?"

Damian paused for a while but then got up holding Marinette. Batman led and escorted him out of the flames and took them both home.

It has been weeks since the incident and Marinette still hasn't opened her eyes yet as she laid on the bed motionless. Damian didn't leave her side as he felt guilty and at fault that this had happened to her. He felt responsible and couldn't live with himself. He wouldn't eat, drink, sleep, not until she had woken up. Dick and Alfred watched from a distance. Alfred walked over to him and said that Master Bruce called for him.

Damian: Tell him I'm busy and not in the mood, Pennyworth.

Alfred: It's...It's about the mistress.

That caught his attention. Before he left with the butler, he took one last look at Marinette. He exited the cave with Dick behind him. "What's this about, father?" he asked. Bruce sighed, "Look Damian, you need to eat or else you might end up in Marinette's state." Damian narrowed his eyes, "That's fine. It was my fault anyway that she's in this position now." Bruce heavily exhaled, "Damian, it wasn't your fault."

Damian turned away, looking away avoiding eye contact. That's when an alarm went off. It was Marinette downstairs in the cave. He rushed down the stairs to the cave to see an empty bed. He jumped down and searched the entire cave but she wasn't there. He then felt a hand on his shoulder, Bruce. "Don't worry, we'll find her and bring her back."

I left that horrid place. I had a few burns and bruises but all was fine. It'll heal fully in at least a month. I couldn't stand being there any longer. So I'm making my own decisions and from now on... I'll forge my own path. I looked back one last time before continuing. I jumped and propelled on and off the buildings until I reached the outskirts of Gotham near the air port. I know going on a plane without a ticket is illegal but at this point I didn't really care.

They wouldn't even know I'm there. Goodbye...Gotham. It's time to live My Life the way I want to. No regrets, No turning back.


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