Chapter 9

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I watched the live stream of the FaceTime call between Edward and Bruce but both of them was in there disguises of course.

Oh Coulson was there too but obviously he failed to answer the riddles so he got blown to bits.

I knocked on Edward's apartment not long after Coulson blew up.

Edward let me in and there was a silence, I hope he saw that I forgave him.

I decided to pull him into a hug.

It took a while but he hugged back.

I tripped and made us fall into something.

We must of tripped into something that plays music because I wasn't expecting 'Ave Maria' to start playing.

I laughed as the song which I've heard at many funerals began to play.

"Yeah this doesn't surprise me at all"
I smiled.

"What doesn't?"
Edward wondered.

"You listening to this, I can see it"
I grinned.

It was strange because we landed in a strange position though none of us bothered to get out of it, I had landed on my back on Edward's desk and Edward had landed on top of me.

If anyone was to walk in which they wouldn't but if they was they would probably think Edward was fucking me.

I felt a slight pain in my back.

"You smashed something when you fell, a few of the smaller shards are stuck in your back"
Edward informed.

"It's fine it doesn't hurt me much"
I stated.

"It could get infected and you need to get them out"
Edward responded.

"I can't see my back"
I huffed.

"Take your shirt off"
Edward deadpanned.

I did as he asked, his seen it all before.

I mean he did look away but still.

I felt him take out the glass.

I lost the ability to breath once he started putting his hands under the back of my bra, I assume there was some shards underneath.

I undid the back and took off the bra so he had better access.

After Edward got all the shards out, I turned to face him, I watched as he avoided my gaze, at least I think he was avoiding it as he was wearing his mask for some reason.

"You can look at me Edward, I don't mind if it's you"
I sighed.

I pulled his mask off.

I kissed him and he responded pretty fast.

I could tell he had never kissed anyone before but it's ok because I wanted him, no one else.

Edward wasn't an awful kisser though, it's just you could tell it was his first time.

I unfortunately had kissed Ben but believe it or not, Ben and I never got sexual he was hardly ever there and was only with me for the money so he probably fucked bitches at the club instead.

I felt Edward's hand brush over my boob.

I linked my hand with his as we pulled out of the kiss, I wondered what he would say next.

I put a shirt on.

I didn't even know what this meant for Edward and I.

Was we together now or was that just a thing that happened?

I should clear that up with him but I will do it later as right now I just enjoyed been with him.

I heard my phone ping and saw it was a message from Selina.

'Tomorrow I'm stealing money from Falcone and the Penguin, you coming?'

I felt Edward stood behind me.

"Your a thief now?"
Edward asked.

"No she's the thief I'm just helping her with getting her friend back and there's a whole story behind why she wants the money"
I explained.

I knew Falcone was Selina's Father and completely understood why Selina needed and deserved that money.

"Are you really willing to die for that Cat girl?"
Edward asked.

"She's my friend you know, she's been fucked over by society just like you have, I think you two would get along"
I replied.

Edward looked unconvinced.

I replied back to Selina saying that I would be there, much to the dismay of Edward.


I woke up to see Edward gone somewhere, I presume his work, sometimes I forget he has an actual job.

I would go back to my own work but I'm sure Falcone and his men could easily access information which tells them where I work.

I decided to look around Edward's apartment considering I was currently staying here.

I wasn't going to move anything though because I'm pretty sure everything had an exact place.

I read the stuff on the walls.

Edward put a lot of thought into all this.

Although something did catch my eye.

It was a book on his desk and it looked like a diary.

I felt bad but I couldn't help but read it.

I opened the first page and of course it was all coded.

I got Edward though so it didn't take long for me to figure it out, I couldn't help but be interested in what was said.

A lot of stuff was just about his hatred of society but I stopped when I got to some stuff that he wrote about me.

I drank from a glass of water which was nearby.

There was a lot about me, some stuff stood out though such as,

'When I'm with her, I don't feel so alone anymore'

'Sometimes I see her and I just want to fuck her'

I spluttered causing my water to spill slightly down me.

Oh Edward I want you to fuck me too.

I kept reading as I was now invested.

I clenched my legs together as I read the next part which was actually written last night, I presume after I had fallen asleep or maybe it was written this morning?

'I couldn't help but want more of her after the slight touch of her glorious breasts, I can't get her off my mind'

I looked around more and saw Edward's Riddler mask.

I had an idea.

Would I regret it? Most likely.

I put the mask on and stripped off my clothes.

Luckily Edward had a polaroid which meant I could go ahead with my plan.

Yes I took a nude picture of myself and placed the picture inside Edward's diary next to what he said.

Tongue Twister (Edward Nashton/Riddler X Fem! OC) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें