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I stared at the front of the letter with wide eyes. Suddenly my heartbeat increased and I wasn't able to move. My fingertips clutched the envelope as I ripped of the rest of the peeled paper. My eyes swiftly scan over the printing as sweat begins to slightly fall from my brow.

Deja Castelane,

I hope this letter finds your way. It has been several years since we last spoke, but you need to follow these directions with extreme caution and safety. I have regret to inform that our father Fredrick Castelane has imbraided his information to the fellow villains suppressed in Gotham City. There was a code engraved on one of his favourable belongings. Find this item and bring it to the Gotham City clock tower, it opens a safe to the most valuable riches in the world. Having full awareness a couple of dad's rivalries got the information and are searching for the safe.

Best of luck your brother,


I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. My brother Eric who I haven't spoke to in years decided to tell me my father was basically in the mafia and has inherited the most expensive riches; more than the playboy billionaire Bruce Wayne.

I always despised the manipulation my brother increased during his ageing. My mouth parts as I take deep breathes, as it becomes excruciatingly impossible to process. I feel my anxiety scratching above the surface of my emotions as I pace to the office attached to Bruce's. Tossing the letter on my desk I plop into the wheeled chair slamming my hands over my face. I small groan erupts my throat as I chug down a glass of water placed neatly on my desk.

My chest is heaving and my lungs burn. My vision grows blurry through my fresh tears I gulp running a shaken hand through my hair as I bite my lower lip fearful. After all these years my brother finally contacts me, after all these years thinking he was dead. I groan in frustration as his message clarified men were raiding the city trying to find me.

At the corner of my eye I notice Bruce enter the door. I panickily tidy myself wiping my tears away as I straighten my posture looking more presentable. Bruce flashes a tight smile as he adjusts his suit collar. "Who was that?" He question padding toward his office. I clear my throat swallowing down the upcoming pile lurking in my throat. "Oh, he just dropped of a letter for the apartment bills." I lie tugging at my skirt growing tense in my seat. Bruce doesn't look entirely convinced slightly arching his brow.

He breathes out, "Alright then." He motions pointing to the clock above the doorway behind him. "Meeting in half an hour." I swiftly nod my head holding my breath. My eyes follow him until the door blocks any further investigation, I gasp holding my head.

Nibbling my lip I check the room of the office observing the lack of people surrounding. My attention immediately draws to the computer screen as my fingertips brush along the keyboard promptly searching my fathers name.

I type any artifacts under my fathers name. I slowly press click on the enter button watching results appear in front of my eyes. I scan over the websites seeing his name pop in many awards and critical dismays regarding his fortune and known profile. My eyes widen coming across my fathers face framed for murder.

I take a sharp breath clicking the link. I quickly scan over the article noticing my father had slaughtered hundreds of people throughout his life. My heart sulks as my memories demolish my childhood crushed. My father was a murderer.

My awareness seem to grow hazy and I feel faint. I take another swig of water glancing into Bruce's office. His body slumps back in his chair, his long legs stretched out from under him. His brows narrow as he scribbles something over his notepad.

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