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"She stays with me, and that's final." His voice runs hoarse as he guides me behind him protectively.

I wince creasing my brow. This was unlike Bruce he was more secretive and less defined by others, but now his manner grew more precautionary. I stand awkwardly behind Bruce carful not to brush myself against him.

Rachel blinks as her eyes glance between the both of us, a small smile creeping upon her lips "What about Milo?" She chuckles scratching her chin. I glance up to Bruce warily, giving him a questionable look. He just shrugs his shoulder returning his focus on Rachel.

I chew on my lip, giving her drooped begging eyes. "Will you, Rachel?" She groans rolling her eyes. "Fine, its about time I finally meet this bugger."

I let out a sigh of relief, the nervousness eventually fading. "Thank you so much, Rachel." I praise leaning back on my heels slightly. Bruce clears his throat as a buzzing sound erupts his pocket. I flinch startled a bit.

"We've got to go." He orders; his voice lurking avidity. I scrunch my eyes as a cop car blares down the congested street chasing down a speeder. The blaring hinged my ears as I groan in disgust.

The pale moon shone brightly in the sky devouring movement below its majesty. Bruce gently tugs my wrist, pulling me to his limousine. I wave to Rachel as a shock drives up my arm as his fingers dance along the tender part of my hand. My eyes flutter as he opens the back seat for me. I grin at his profoundness sliding into the vehicle. Rachel stands awkwardly on the sidewalk rubbing her wrists. A smirk spreads along her lips as Bruce strides his way to the other side.

Before Bruce enters the car he calls out, "Don't worry Rachel, I'll take good care of her." A conniving smirk plays along his lips as he flashes a wink back at her. I chuckle seeing a hint of jealousy plaster over her face, leaving her speechless.

I struggle in my seat seeing his driver give me several sceptic looks. His face once portrayed his youth as his white hair sat dishevelled on his head. Bruce finally closes the door calling out to the older man.

"Alfred takes us to Wayne Manor." He orders a smug smile creasing his lips. The man nods his head, his soft eyes glossing over me slowly. He starts the car pulling it from the street.

As the order registers the partition rolls up, leaving the two of us alone.

"Do you still have those letters?" Bruce spoke, and my attention settled on him again.

I made sure to be sitting so, that my body was turned slightly before his, my legs elegantly crossed over the other. My position enabled the slit of my skirt to expose more of my thigh.

"Yes." I intervene showing him both the letters I received today. I keep my shoulders back as his hands inspect the lettering of the threat. "May I?" I hesitantly nod handing the letters over to him.

"Interesting." He hums lowly in his chest running his fingertips over the paper. I advert my swiftly to the paper concern riveting. "What is it?"

Bruce clears his throat showing me the paper the words chilling over my bones. His finger brush along the letter. "The obstruction of this could've taken hours with cutting an-" Bruce abruptly stops as he leans forward, something catching his eye.

He plucks out a silver hair aligned with the glue. He holds the faint strand between his fingers inspecting the clue of DNA. My eyes widen as the moonlight bounces its rays off the piece of hair. "This is very useful." He states snatching a small plastic bag from the side compartment. He plops the hair into the bag before stuffing it in his pocket.

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