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"Y/n, we're having a party before you leave so go upstairs and put on clothes that look good and pack all of your things in some plastic bags." I nodded back and ran upstairs to pack. I went to the trunk at the foot of the bed and carefully put my clothes into it. Under the clothes were my books which I read lots of, mostly for school but some of them were personal favorites. There were also jewels my mother wrote to be given to me immediately after her death. They were all really expensive, that's why I hid them at the bottom where nobody would find them.

I took the bags and placed them by the door downstairs, when I packed I hid the jewelry in the clothing.

"Y/n! I'm so happy for you, please come visit a lot. You know how lonely it gets for a girl."

"Of course, Selina. Come on the party is starting soon." I grabbed her hand and walked her to the living room where everyone was. From Lily the youngest at just two years old to Amiee at age seventeen, everyone was listening to music or setting something up. In total there were about twenty seven girls living here besides Miss Cassidy.

"We're gonna play checkers championship, we'll end once we all get bored and before an hour so we can use the next hour for cake and dancing."

It was only nine groups playing since some people didn't play. Some of them were too young, some wanted to watch the kids or just didn't wanna play. I ended up winning each of my games and winning the championship.

"Good job! Time for cake everyone, come get a slice." Everyone got a slice of ethier the vanilla or chocolate cake, I got a small piece of each so I'd have a full slice in total. It was cake from the store but it still tasted really good.

After the cake we had a dance battle, Fera ended up winning, she was a dancer though so it was obvious.

"I told y'all I would win, I'm just too good!"

"I mean you are basically professional." I pointed out while braiding Evelyn's hair. She just turned four last week.

A sound of a car pulling into the driveway then a honk was outside. Miss Cassidy got up quickly and rushed to the door to greet the guest. Me and a few other girls came over to the wall to see what was happening.

"Oh come in Mr Falcone, let me tell you some stuff about Miss Laurier in my office. Girls be good and say goodbye to Y/n!" Then her office door slammed.

"Do you think they're sleeping together?" Quincy asked.

"Gosh no, Mr Falcone wouldn't do that with her, plus it's unprofessional." I excused as we walked back into the room and started cleaning up.

"Y/n I'm gonna miss you!" Lily said as she ran up to me and hugged my leg.

"I'm gonna miss you all so much!" I said back sadly picking her up and hugging her.

"You better come back and see us, or else."

"You already know I will Selina." I put the child down and went around hugging everyone.

"Y/n, it's time to go." Miss Cassidy informed peaking her head into the room. I walked out of the room and to where the two stood.

"Thank you so much for taking care of me, goodbye." I hugged her tightly before letting go and picking up my bags.

"Let's go kid."

The streets of Gotham were busy today, maybe because it's the weekend or maybe because some people are getting off their shift. Eventually we arrived at some old building just outside the narrows. It looked fancy to be near the narrows, it definitely was renovated.

"This is the house, it's Falcone Mansion. Was an abandoned building in the nineteen thirties, we renovated it twenty years ago, right after your parents got together and I became Don."

I stepped out and was I went to grab my bags but some guys already held them for me. "It looks very nice. I can carry my own bags, I don't want to be a trouble."

"Nonsense, they follow me around, they'll put it in your room for you. Let's go look at it." We walked up to the door, one of the men opened it for him letting us go in.

I got a tour of the downstairs, the whole place was decorated beautifully. When we got upstairs he showed me the rooms and then we got to my room.

"Here's your room, it used to be your mother's room for when she came over to stay the night. I hope it's good enough for you." I walked inside and the room screamed old vintage Italian bedroom. The whole room was beautiful, everything was placed neatly.

"Its so beautiful, did you or her design it?"

"She did, always had an eye for decorating."

"I should put my clothes away." I started unpacking the bags quickly, putting away the clothes that the orphanage made us all wear.

"I'm gonna get my driver to take you down to the city. Get you some new clothes, instead of these old ones from the thrift store." I nodded back at him and walked with one of his men to the car. We drove down to the middle of the city, he gave me a wad of cash before we left so I used that to buy stuff. I got a bunch of pants, jeans, shirts; long and short sleeved, some dresses and some shoes. I got some undergarments aswell since the bras from the orphanage were hardly covering.

After an hour or two we drove back to the house and I went upstairs to put my stuff away. I still can't believe I live in a house and have my own bedroom. I changed into one of the new outfits and put my old ones in the hamper before going downstairs.

"Y/n, you've got a dinner tonight, your clothes are fancy enough for the restaurant so come with me." I followed the men outside and into the car where they drove me to his restaurant.

The restaurant looks a lot busier at the evening than last night. The lights luninated the street around it.

The driver opened the door for me, I walked out and walked into the restaurant. The place had cops, buisness men and mafia men all filling it. "Who are you here for?"

"Falcone, he told his driver to send me here."

"Frank send her over." Carmine said from across the restaurant. I was walked over to him, walking past all the men and few woman who were eating or playing poker. "Take a seat."

"Hey." I said lightly sitting down across the table from him.

"So, I'm gonna get you, to, do some training. For the next six months, give or take we'll teach you self defense. I want you to be able to protect yourself, especially since you're now in the family."

A/n: That was a little hint for the following chapters, it'll play a big part in the present chapters.

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