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I slowly put on my graduation gown, a formal dress underneath. My hair was neatly curled, makeup was done by a professional. Falcone requested me to look natural but elegant, so it was nudes for makeup and the curls of course. The dress underneath was a red dress that hugged me nicely. Though I wasn't going to a normal school the local highschool agreed to let me attend the graduation ceremony.

Being just under a year younger than all the other graduates didn't help. My studies went fast since Falcone wanted me to graduate ahead so I can become my own person. I already have schools all over the country hoping for me to attend their school; Falcone told me to go to Havermelly University in Gotham, it's the second best buisness school in the country.

I quickly finished up by putting on my two inch heels and walking out and down the stairs where Carmine, Sofia, Mario, Alberto, Oswald, Victor and some of each of their men.

"You look beautiful Y/n, your mother would be so proud." Carmine said before coming over to help me walk the last few steps.

"Thank you uncle, thank you for coming all of you. And it's wonderful to finally meet you Alberto."

"Why wouldn't I come to see my youngest cousin's graduation." He smiled. We all talked for a bit before getting called to get into the limos.

I watched as the city flew by and we arrived at the highschool. It was big enough for a Small portion of the city to be squished inside it was so big. My door was opened for me and I walked out grabbing the man's hand before following my family towards the back. I was told to go to where all the other graduates were and speak to the principal.

"Mr Vincent?" I spoke politely behind the man who was talking to one of the teachers.

"Ah you must be Y/n Laurier-Falcone. Take a seat over there and when you hear your name come on up to get your diploma. I must admit, your portfolio is quite impressive."

"Thank you sir." I then walked over to a seat and sat down. On the side of me were a bunch of grade twelves and thirteens hanging out waiting for it to begin.

Slowly the students got called up one by one. Eventually I heard my name get called. I walked up the stairs and onto the stage.

"Y/n Laurier-Falcone, you may not have gone to this school but we are proud to see you graduate. One of the youngest to graduate from this school. We wish you nothing but success in University." The crowd clapped as I was handed my diploma. I shook each of the hands that were stood up on the stage. The three principles, guidance councilors and the mayor.

I walked down and towards the other students who already graduated as they called the next student up and did more speeches. The graduates were sitting in seats talking to eachother much like the waiting area.

Some of the other students looked at me with faces of suprise, confusion, disgust and a few others. It was ethier because of my name, age or because I was not known.

The graduation went on for around an hour more before they wrapped up. I walked back towards Falcone and them. I got hugs and congratulations from many of them.

"Y/n, congratulations on graduating."

"Jim!" I turned and ran to hug him. "Thank you for coming."

"Of course." He said after breaking the hug. "Oh this is my wife Leslie Thompkins and our kids James Gordon Jr and Barbra."

"Hello Leslie, James and Barbra." I smiled at the three.

"Hello Y/n, it's so nice to finally meet you." Leslie said putting her hand out which I accepted into a shake.

"Would you like to come with us out for dinner? I'll pay." I smiled.

"I'm not sure how Carmine would feel, but I'd love for the five of us to have dinner another night."

"Of course Jim. How about tommorrow night at six, at Giovanni's?"

"Sounds nice. I'll call if any plans change." Jim gave me a light hug before him, Lee and the kids walked towards the Commissioner. I walked over to my uncle and others who walked away a few minutes ago.

"See you were talking to Jim."

"He's an old friend. Well where are we going to eat?"

"I'm thinking we go pay a visit to Quiverrios, they'll have nice food." Falcone said walking us to the car.

A/n: Short Chapter, I know but oh well

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