Chapter 21: Journal

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Wednesday February 23

Just when I was starting to get somewhere, everything went to shit. I followed Captain Barnes home from work, then out to the Iceberg lounge. He stayed there for a few hours, then returned home for the night. If I could get some concrete evidence that it was the Penguin who went to such lengths to ascertain my identity, I'd get him locked up right now. It wouldn't stop his distribution of drops, like I've been working toward the past couple years, but him behind bars would slow it way down. And it would also deter anyone else from trying to kidnap my girl.

Of course, it couldn't be that easy. Another stupid little gang in ridiculous masks were running around downtown tonight, knifing anyone they came across. I caught sight of their carnage from my bike after Gordon flipped on the signal. I should have known I was being lured.

There were seven young men with knives wearing black and white masks. But they didn't look like the ski masks from the warehouse apart from the colors. As soon as they caught sight of me, they squared off, placing themselves in a tight circle to protect each other. Another red flag. Usually at least one runs off as soon as they spot me.

All seven of them stood their ground and fought me. Looking back, I suspect all of them had one of these envelopes. When I beat one of them to the ground, he glared up at me, silently taking an envelope out of his jacket pocket and handing it out to me. I had flashbacks of the incident with the Riddler, but I knew it wasn't him. He still puts out fan mail for the Batman from Arkham. The envelope was neatly printed on a computer:


I let Gordon know I had his perps for the six block long stabbing parade, and drove straight to the cave. All I could think of before I opened the envelope was her. My brain went into panic mode, thinking they might have her again, or were threatening me about her or something. What was typed on the page inside the envelope was almost worse. Almost.

Your identity has been ascertained. Your parents would be very disappointed in you if they were still with us. It is dangerous for a young, fortunate bachelor like yourself to put your life on the line every night just to handcuff a few cronies.

I know your name, I know where you disappear to in the old tunnel system, and I know who works for and with you. No one around you is safe.

Put the mask away for good, or I will reveal you to the public. I'll even throw in the identity of your stray for good measure. I won't force you to stop being the Batman then, but every citizen in Gotham will know who is under that mask. Your choice.

I have an announcement ready to air on the evening news Sunday February 27. You have until then to wrap up all your current cases.

I have 3 days to find and stop whoever it is. And I need help.

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