episode one | two friends reunited

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— two friends reunited


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BEING EASILY FLUSTERED ISN'T SOMETHING THAT AUGUSTINE FINLEY WOULD DESCRIBE HERSELF AS. She typically had a grip on her own emotions, it's how she hid her feelings for Dick for so long. There was never a moment she let her cheeks flame up at his teasing, she wouldn't dare to let someone else see without her permission. But now? Augustine Finley was no longer a scared teenager who feared losing her best friend. She was an adult, completely exhausted because of residency (seriously, she'd consider herself to be a dead girl walking), who had already lost her best friend (not because she had shared her feelings with him, that much was for sure). There wasn't much to hide, not anymore. And she didn't have much to get flustered over, there was no chance of people figuring out her secret identity because she no longer had one, and Dick Grayson wasn't a part of her life anymore. All of the distractions she once had were gone and out of the picture. Or, at least, most of the distractions were gone. Enough that she didn't have nearly as much weight on her shoulders. The most she had to worry about was work and getting home to feed her cat. Well, those and the dinner at Wayne Manor she was being forced to attend (Jason and Alfred are both very convincing when they want to be) (though Augustine wasn't complaining, she missed being at the Manor).

She knew the drive to Wayne Manor like the back of her hand. It was the first place she drove to after getting her license (which she got two months before Dick did, thank you very much!) and she spent years of her life running around the halls, she knew Wayne Manor like the back of her hand. Even driving up on it after years of not being there, she knew there wasn't a thing that had changed. Not in the upper part of the house, at least. Alfred had always kept up with the main rooms that people would venture into. The dining room was always spotless, the kitchen had a space for everything, and the library was constantly being rearranged to however Jason wanted it to be organized. But no matter what, Wayne Manor had always felt like home to Augustine Finley. Perhaps it was just because there was never a moment of silence, Augustine liked that. Her home had always been quiet, too quiet. It's what she got for having no siblings and a mother who worked odd hours, she often found herself with Margaret as they ate dinner. That was until she started to go on patrol with her mother — that's when everything changed for her. The house wasn't quiet and it wasn't a place she stayed often. Because not long after she became Nightshade did she meet Dick Grayson. And after meeting him, the halls were never quiet unless absolutely necessary.

Her heart clenched at the realization, that maybe Wayne Manor and Finley Manor weren't much different from each other, that in the grand scheme of things, it was Dick Grayson that had become her home. It was Dick Grayson who made the homes feel lighter, he was the one who had wiggled his way into her heart and made her see things differently.

Before she could knock on the door, it opened and she was greeted by a gentle smile on Alfred's face. Augustine couldn't help but smile back, her hand resting on the strap of her purse that dug into her shoulder. "Alfred, it's so good to see you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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