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My heart sank, and a wave of anxiety washed over me.

Ah shit... I had a feeling this would happen but I was expecting it to happen yesterday and since nothing happened I thought I would be fine. I stood up from my seat while everyone kept looking at me.

"What did you do?" Jacob asked but I didn't want all of them to hate me and I shook my head.

"I don't know." I lied as the memory of the incident from the previous day flooded my mind, and I knew that I had to face the consequences of my actions, "Does the CEO not call anyone to the office?" I looked at all of them, "Why do you all look surprised?"

"Well," They all gave each other a glance, "It's definitely rare," Lizzo said, "But I guess he might just want to meet the new intern."

"I see," I knew that wasn't it, "I'll get going then." The knot in my stomach tightened as I made my way to my boss's office, feeling a mix of guilt and apprehension. I did hit his head pretty violently but he didn't name me in front of everyone else. But I guess he does want to talk about it now.

Then again. What I did was wrong. I should apologize for it. I panicked even more because of my suspicion of him being The Head Hunter... What if he's not the killer? Then there's no need to be scared of him. That simply means my mind is biased right now. Maybe I should try and think neutrally but still keep an eye out for anything suspicious?

I nodded at myself. Let's do that.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door, "Come in," His answer came immediately and I opened the door to peek in first. Walking into the office, I could feel the tension in the air. Matthew had his eyes on me and I stopped far away from him.

The distance was noticeably wide and he frowned at that but I didn't want to go near him so I just stopped near the door.

"Why are you standing so far away?" He asked and I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. His dark eyes just seemed so overwhelming.

"Um, Boss," I fidgeted, "I'm sorry I hit your head!" I offered a sincere apology, my voice quivering with emotion as I gave him a bow along with it while I purposely dodged his question and refused to move from my place.

"Ah!" I heard him stand up and I raised my head again, "About that," He seemed a little troubled, "I apologize as well." He sighed, "That's actually why I called you in."


"I should have apologized first, I'm sorry I touched you inappropriately."

"Oh," I looked down as the shame came back to me, "Yes, that was weird..." I couldn't meet his eyes after he said that.

He closed his eyes in shame, "I don't know what got over me." He looked at me again, "I shouldn't have done that." He pointed at the side of his head, "This was understandable. You don't need to worry about it."

Oh... Is he not a pervert then? He's letting go of that violent hit? Then why did he touch me? On that note, everything he did yesterday was weird. But can I ask about it? Would that be weird? But his actions were weirder.

"Um," There were so many questions I had but I didn't know what to do about them. I can't just ask him if he's The Head Hunter but what about how he behaved yesterday?

"Don't," He spoke and I looked at him in surprise, "You looked troubled and I'm guessing it's about my actions yesterday but please don't ask me anything." He let out a sigh and didn't exactly meet my eye, "There was something bothering me a lot, and I..." He paused for a moment, "I'm really not that kind of a person. So please just pretend yesterday never happened."

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