City D

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My mouth gasped open while his eyes went wide as he was looking to the side after getting hit.

I slapped my hands on my mouth, "OH MY GOD!" I stood up in fear and pure panic, "I'm so sorry!" There was enough space for me now to escape, "I'm so sorry, that wasn't my intention! I-I panicked, it's just that I have a lover and I-" I froze as I caught his expression.

He hadn't yet turned to look back at me while my words made his expressions turn grim. The air between us changed, it suddenly got tense. He clenched his jaw tightly and his eyes turned dark. He balled his fists as if trying to suppress his anger but all of his actions made me tense up.

No, it scared me.

"Ah, um!" I wasn't sure what to say or what to do here but I knew what I did was wrong, but when I tried to do something, Matthew turned his head to look at me with a fierce gaze. The look in his eyes made my heart drop to the pit of my stomach and before I knew it, I bolted towards the door out of fear.

I ran past the couches and grabbed the entrance door to open it but as soon as I barely got to open it, a hand slammed it shut over my head.


I froze and I felt an ominous presence behind me. It was like a large shadow looming over me with malicious intent.

It made me shiver in my place and I found my heart skipping a beat, but I couldn't just keep standing there, even though it was overwhelming.

"S-sir?" I couldn't bring myself to look back, so I just kept a shaky hand on the doorknob as I kept looking ahead.

"Do you," Matthew spoke softly, contrary to my expectations, "Love your partner?" His question was the most unexpected thing I could have expected for him to ask but it did somehow calm me down by distracting me and my shaking stopped.

I lowered my gaze but didn't look back at him, "Yes," I replied, "I do," My heart felt a little warm as I remembered my boyfriend, "He's helped me a lot in life." But why would he ask me that? What does he get out of this?


There was a pause. His answer didn't come immediately and I couldn't bring myself to look back at him. I don't know why, maybe because I was still afraid.

"I see," His voice sounded angry and the fact that he had such a domineering and violent presence didn't really help but he took his hand off the door and stepped aside and I didn't waste any more time in opening the door and escaping his office.

Frantically closing the door behind me I looked up to see Lily, the secretary, giving me a strange look. Understandable though, I didn't enter from here and it may look like I spawned out of nowhere, making it all the more suspicious.

I'm sure she noticed the commotion that happened in there as well..

I looked away in shame and began to walk away but as soon as I took the turn that opened to the office where my colleagues work, all of them raised their gazes when they saw me come out of the CEO's office, making me freeze.

"Oh?" Imani was the first one to speak up, "Didn't you go to the terrace?"

Jacob eyes me, "Why are you coming out of there?" And all eyes were on me. Messing with my emotions even more.

My heart was pounding in my chest, "I-" I gulped as I averted my gaze, "Got caught slacking..." It seems like lies just spew out of my mouth easily but this wasn't exactly a lie either. He did catch me on a call.

There was a moment of silence, then the office burst into laughter making me purse my lips and my cheeks go red. I was already scared, now the embarrassment had mixed in.

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