vii. snow on the beach

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21 BBY

The 108th had been stationed on a pretty winter world for the last five days, bringing in resources and supplies to help the overwhelming population of refugees that had been displaced after a horrid battle on their planet. Ceron reminded Violet of the harsh north of Aphelion — icy mountains, snowy plains and beaches with a thin sheet of ice over the water. And it was colder than any planet Violet had visited before. Unlike other planets that had differing climates depending on each season, Ceron was so far from its sun that it was stuck in a permanent winter. All the children sheltering at the camp did not mind the weather: they were born to the snow and they would never know anything besides it. Violet had sat with them at mealtimes and told them all stories from around the galaxy: the stars, Coruscant, Aphelion and Naboo. The kids couldn't comprehend what Naboo looked like until she showed them pictures on the datapad she borrowed from Seeker. Yet despite the grins on the children's faces and the glow of community that united the people of Ceron in these dark hours, Violet was not blind to see their hardship.

After leaving the war and assuming a neutral stance in the conflict, Aphelion had become known as a place for the lost to find comfort. As princess, Alana had begun swathes of humanitarian work — setting aside politics and her artistic hobbies in favour of those who needed help. She had already garnered her own team and community within the Council of Neutral Systems (as well as planets still engaged in the war, like Naboo and Alderaan — peaceful planets that were Aphelion's ancient allies — and even Separatist planets who sought peace and no harm to the innocent populations of the galaxy) to set up refugee camps like this one. And following the 108th supply drop, the 501st had arrived too. They were mostly helping a neighbouring camp which was being run by Alana's sister, Athena, but both battalions had been mixing and going to the places that needed the most help. In addition to the response teams, Alana also helped run a home in Aphelion's capital city, Alora, to accommodate children who had lost their families in the war, or had families who could no longer look after them. It did not matter if anyone was Republic, Separatist or an innocent bystander thrust into the crossfire, Alana wanted to help them all because she was good — an angel to her bones. Violet may not have agreed with the extent of her aunt's total neutrality, but she had great respect for the role he had taken.

And now night was falling on another long day. Ceron had a very pretty sunset that lit the sky with pale pinks and oranges. Violet had watched it on the beach every night since they arrived. The beach was her favourite place to do it — the sun sunk right over the waves, and the beach was only a half mile away from the camp. She slipped out and back in without complications. But tonight someone else was patrolling on the southern stretch of the camp, pacing the boundary that met with the path down to the beach. Violet was still kicking the sand off her boots when she was found by the blond-haired and kind-eyed captain of the 501st.

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