viii. the planets and the fates

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After departing Ceron aboard the Twilight, Ahsoka, Anakin, Master Alden and Violet were tasked with chasing down a set of coordinates to determine the origin of a strange transmission the Jedi Order had intercepted. And while the transmission had been intercepted recently, the original recording had been playing on a loop for over a thousand years but kept pinging every few hundred years in different corners of the galaxy. The most recent ping was only fifteen years old, and originated in the Outer Rim — the closest inhabitants to it was the Valyrian System. And even with their best minds at work, the Jedi had decoded very little from the two thousand year old distress code the message used. But curious and eager to control this piece of knowledge in hopes that it would assist the war effort and put the Republic one step ahead of the Separatists, the Council had sent the four Jedi to discover everything they could about this strange transmission.

Ahsoka sat in the back of the cockpit, her ankles crossed and knees brought to her chest. Anakin and Ilara sat quietly in the pilot and co-pilot's seats, while Violet stayed in the back of the ship to meditate — seemingly taking Ahsoka's advice, for once, to not lose hope. (But despite having her purple lightsaber sitting in front of her, Ahsoka knew that Violet's blue lightsaber still sat in her bag.) After their training session on Ceron, Ahsoka hoped that she had not caused her best friend to doubt her abilities. A Jedi was so much more than a lightsaber — and Violet Uttara was even more than that.

The Twilight finally dropped out of hyperspace and Ahsoka did not flinch. Instead, she sat up straighter and set her feet back on the floor. Hand resting on her knees, Ahsoka let that peaceful feeling sink onto her shoulders for a moment. She looked between Anakin and Ilara at the vast abyss of space before them. A confused look grew upon her face.

"I thought Rex was supposed to be here by now?" she stated. (In case they were being sent into a trap, the Jedi were scheduled to meet with a well-armed Jedi Cruiser — occupied by Rex, Nova and their respective soldiers — which had followed them from Ceron, before taking the next steps in their mission.)

Anakin switched on their comms to reach out to his clone captain. "Rex, we're at the rendezvous. Are you here yet?"

In flickering blue, a hologram of the blond clone appeared. "Sir, we're already here. There's no sign of you on any of our scanners. Are your coordinates right?"

Ilara looked back at the mission brief to consult and nodded. "We're certainly in the right place."

"This is impossible." Anakin huffed.

The hologram of Rex began to flicker, glitching before he could ask them another question ("Sir– something's blocking th–") until the transmission cut off — along with all of the ship's power.

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