52) Waking Up to Violence #onlywiththeWaynes

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-Dick POV-

They had continued their planning for hours until finally they had sent everyone to bed. The Waynes, excluding Jason who now had the new goal in mind, took the night off for patrol since Cass and Steph said they had it covered. They had gone to bed laughing and joking, but they woke up to a scream.

Everyone, demigods included, was in the hallway in a matter of seconds. Dick looked around and saw Nico was the only one missing, so it was most likely a nightmare. As he was about to tell everyone to go back to sleep and that he would handle it, considering he had become the designated nightmare helper, Will ran into Nico's room.

"Everyone else go back to sleep, Will and I can handle this." His brothers begrudgingly nodded and returned to their rooms, but the demigods didn't look convincing. "I know you want to help, but that many people will just make it worse. I promise I will get you if he needs anything."

They all shared a silent conversation before nodding and returned to their rooms. Dick entered the room and saw Nico, now awake, in the corner of his room on the bed.

Will was standing a few feet away, hands raised to show that he meant no harm, as he spoke quietly to the boy. "Nico, everything is okay. We're at Wayne manor right now in your room. You aren't back there. You aren't in any danger. You are completely safe."

Dick walked into the bathroom and filled a glass of water for the boy as Will slowly got closer until he was sitting on the edge of the bed. Dick stayed by the door of the bathroom, not wanting to stress Nico out even more, as he watched the two interact.

"This isn't real," the boy muttered. "This is just a dream and then I'll wake up there again."

Will pulled his feet onto the bed so he was sitting crisscrossed, facing Nico. "This is real. You had a nightmare, but now you're awake. I am real."

Nico just shook his head and covered his eyes with the palm of his hands. "No, no, no they got me. I'm just in a death trance dream. I have to wake up or I'll run out."

Will scooted closer so he had his back against the wall, next to Nico. "Okay, if this is a dream, then I want you to do something for me. Can you touch my hand? Then you can wake up, just grab my hand."

Nico stared at Will's hand for a few minutes. Nico didn't move outside of his harsh breathing, and Will never dropped his outstretched hand. Eventually the black haired child slowly reached out for the hand. The second they connected, Will pulled the boy towards him and out of the corner. The blonde wrapped his arms around Nico and began to glow slightly.

Nico's eyes widened at the glow and immediately clutched onto the front of Will's shirt like it was a life line, crying in relief. "You're real. You're here. I'm not back there. You're real."

Dick slowly left the door and set the water silently on the side table. He gave Will a brief nod before leaving the room, closing the door behind him and returning to his room. He didn't love the fact that Will was most likely going to spend the night in Nico's bed, but it's what his brother needed so he made his peace about it.

If those two don't get together after this, I'm gonna scream, he thought to himself.


-Damian POV-

The next morning, Damian woke up early. He had things to do and a blonde to threaten. Though he would never admit it to anyone, he cared for his brothers a great deal. However, he was also aware that most of them had terrible taste. Though Solace seemed to be an adequate partner, he still had to make sure the teen was properly terrified.

The boy snuck into Nico's room and approached the bed. He quickly drew his knife and pressed it against Will's neck, not hard enough to cause any damage, but enough to get the message across. The blonde's eyes were immediately open in alarm, but he didn't move an inch due to the knife at his neck and the fact that his arms were wrapped around Nico.

"If you even think about harming my brother, I will gut you like a fish," Damian whispered, his eyes unwavering. "I am more than willing to kill for my family, so I will not hesitate to make your death long and painful. Understood?"

The blonde gave a small nod, making sure not to press against the knife. His eyes were serious as he replied. "I would rather die than let Nico get hurt."

Damian stared at him for a moment, searching his face for a trace of a lie. He gave a small nod before removing the knife and taking a step back. He slipped the blade into his pocket before switching to a regular voice level. "Breakfast will be ready in 15 minutes. I will see you both down stairs."

Nico shifted at the sound of his voice, eyes opening in confusion for a moment before remembering the night before and literally falling out of the bed. "It's not what it-"

Damian rolled his eyes. "I am aware DiAngelo. Be down stairs for breakfast on time, or I'll send Titus after you." With that, he turned and left the room with a smug smirk.

If I find out anything happened in that room, I will be using Solace as target practice.

A/N: Just a cute little filler chapter. I would guess that chapter after next will be Operation Wayne and then I'll probably go back to moving the plot forward. I just wanted some cute fillers and to introduce some more stuff.

A/N2: hey gang, so I have planned out how Book 2 will start and I'm very excited for the drama. Full warning tho, we gonna have to tear down so we can rebuild. Also Operation Wayne doesn't start for like 3 more chapters.

Vote. Comment. Tell me how you think the Waynes will react to Nico coming out (I haven't written it yet so who is to say).

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