75) Iko, iko a nae

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A/N: this one is also shorter, but I want to drag out the updates a little so that way I have time to start writing book 2. Also, extra credit points to anyone who gets the chapter title reference. 

Nico sat on the fire escape and watched the streets as he gripped his phone, loathing the call he was about to make. With a final sigh he pressed the dial button and brought it to his ear.

His brother answered after the first ring.

"Nico? Are you okay?"

Nico hesitated, steeling himself for the conversation. "Yeah, I'm okay."

Dick let out a sigh of relief over the phone. "Are you at one of the camps?"

"I'm actually in New York... Aunt Sally found me in Central Park."

"Why were you in Central Park?"

"I was debating between going to see Percy and going to the underworld so I wound up there." Nico picked at his nail beds as he spoke. "She just happened to be walking there and found me. She said I could spend the night since Percy is in California. She wants to meet you guys too."

Dick chuckled lightly. "We can pick you up tomorrow— or whenever you want to come home, I don't want you to feel pressured-"

"Tomorrow is great," Nico said, cutting off his brother. There was a long silence between them before Nico finally spoke again. "I'm sorry about earlier."

"I am too. I shouldn't have lied to you."

Nico shrugged despite Dick not being able to see him. "I get why you did. You wanted to protect me from whatever it is that you know. I shouldn't have gotten so angry about it. I didn't mean to take it out on you, I just don't like when things are kept from me— especially when it's about me."

"The thing that I know... it is about you, but I don't think you should know about it. It'll only make you stress since there is nothing we can really do about it." Dick's voice seemed nervous as he spoke, but Nico couldn't tell if it was because he was nervous that Nico would get mad again or if it was about the topic they were discussing.

"Is it about what Slade is planning?"

"No. I would have told you if it was. This is more a theory about what Slade being a demigod could mean."

Nico nodded. "Then I'll trust you. If you don't think I need to know, then I don't need to know."

"Thank you," Dick said, relief clear in his voice. There was quiet after that, but Nico could tell Dick wanted to say something.

"Just say it."

Dick sighed. "The thing you said earlier, about not having a choice and accepting the circumstances that you're in... do you really feel like that?"

Nico leaned back against the windowsill, bringing his knees to his chest. "I mean... yeah? I'm a demigod. Our sole purpose is to fight for our parents and even though I'm not doing that right now, it's still true. If a war broke out tomorrow, I would be expected to fight alongside my father. That's what I was made for."

"But don't you think that's unfair? You shouldn't be forced to fight, you're just a kid." Dick's voice was desperate, as if trying to get him to see that it was wrong. "I don't mean to call you a kid, it's just... I don't want to loose you."

"I know," Nico said, his tone was neutral, but he could feel his throat tightening. "It's not fair— demigods rarely get fairness from the gods— but it's better than it used to be. I know it doesn't make sense to you, but it's something we have to accept. That's why..." Nico's voice trailed off.

"That's why what?"

Nico lended his head against the windowsill. "That's why it's important to me to work with the team. This is the first time I've really had a say in who I fight for. Slade being a demigod makes it more important to take him out, but it doesn't change that I chose to fight for the team."

Dick was quiet for a moment. "What do you mean when you say 'take him out'?"

"That depends on my father." Nico steeled himself once again, knowing where this conversation was heading. "Slade escaped death, he belongs in the underworld. If we get him and my father demands his soul..."

"You'll kill him?"

"I'll send his soul to the underworld. That's part of my job as Ghost King. I can't change what the fates have designed."

"The fates... right." Dick seemed stressed by the idea of the fates, but Nico just assumed that it was more about the idea of killing somebody.

"Nico, Dinner is ready!" Sally called from the kitchen.

"Hey, I got to go," Nico said as he stepped through the window and began walking to the kitchen.

"That's okay. We'll see you tomorrow. Stay safe Neeks."

"You too."

Nico ended the call and sighed.

"Sally is grabbing Estelle," Paul said as he handed Nico a plate. "How'd calling your brother go?"

Nico shrugged as he took his seat at the small dining table. "Good I guess. They don't always understand the demigod stuff, but they try."

Paul chuckled. "It takes a while to get used to, trust me."

Nico smiled at the man. He hadn't been sure about Paul when he first met the man, he was weary of most mortal men at the time, but Nico had come to enjoy his interactions with him. "They accepted the gods part pretty fast. The thing they don't understand is the fighting."

Paul nodded. "I can't say I am surprised. I have been around Percy and the others for a while now and I still struggle with it too. It's hard to accept that the people you care for are in danger, especially when you can't really do anything to fix it."

Nico smiled at him a little. "I know, it's just hard to have to keep explaining over and over again. They like to fix things, so they don't like it when they can't."

Paul chuckled. "That sounds about right."

"Ico!" A little voice yelled.

Nico turned and smiled at the little girl. She had turned 18 months earlier that month and had shocked and angered the seven when, other than her family, she learned Nico's name first. "Hi Estelle."

Estelle, who was walking next to her mother, began to try to run to the demigod. When she was only a few feet away she started to trip but Nico shot out of his chair and grabbed her before she hit the ground.

"Nice catch," Paul said over the toddler's laughter.

Nico nodded to Paul, standing up and putting Estelle in her high chair. "There you go Stell."

The toddler just continued chanting Nico's name while Sally put food in front of her. "Annabeth and Percy were here last week and I still think Annabeth is still mad that she knows your name but not hers."

Nico chuckled, retaking his seat. "In Estelle's defense, I basically lived her for a few months after she was born. Plus, my name is definitely easier."

Sally and Paul took their spots at the table and they began eating. Nico couldn't help but feel a sense of calm wash over him as he looked around the table. Sally had been a mother figure to him after the war. It was nice to be back with her again, even if it was just for a night. 

A/N: you guys ever hear of calm before the storm?

Vote. Comment. Tell me some book recommendations (I wanna buy more books). 

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