Batman's Where? (9)

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As Nico stood among the rest of Young Justice, he quickly realized they were going to be operating completely on their own.

The Justice League hadn't joined them for the planning session, which was taking place in a giant room filled with dozens and dozens of computers. Nico was not very happy about being in a room full of technology, but he put up with it if it meant being able to find his adoptive father.

"So, this boy managed to find Batman all the way in Sudan?" Superboy said, crossing his arms and glaring at Nico.

"Yes, Nightshade has strong tracing abilities," Nightwing said, giving Superboy a disapproving look.

"So, he managed to track Batman to another country, but he wasn't able to find a specific city?" Artemis said skeptically.

"He's in a sewer." Nico elaborated. Artemis and Superboy stared at him.

"How does he know that and not the city?" Artemis asked Nightwing coldly. Nightwing sighed.

"I would also like to know that." He said, turning to look at Nico. Nico shrugged.

"I'm not entirely sure. I guess it was because I was focused more on making sure I could find Batman, and that he was alive and not dying." Nico replied, looking anywhere except for his brother's faces. "This whole 'searching the entire globe' thing is still kind of new to me."

"I think he's a mole and is trying to distract us from where Batman actually is," Superboy stated harshly. Nico had been called traitor before but that stung a little more than Nico would like to admit.

"Superboy," Nightwing warned, his eyes leveled with Superboy's.

"That's too far dude." Kid Flash said from his perch on one of the many computer desks in the room.

"I'm only stating what I think is the truth," Superboy said, glaring at everyone like they were responsible for all the problems in the world.

"Conner." Miss Martian sighed, reaching out to touch Superboy's arm but he just yanked away.

"How do you guys think the people who took Batman managed to get him all the way to Sudan? It can't have been more than a few hours since we last saw him." Nico asked, looking at Red Robin. Silence followed Nico's question.

"Well, I'm going to assume they have some sort of teleportation capabilities." Aqua Lad said. Nico frowned.

"I mean, I don't know a lot about this Deathstroke person, but he didn't seem to have any superpowers other than advanced strength, speed, and agility," Nico said, looking around to see the analytical looks on the rest of the team's faces.

"He doesn't," Nightwing said, exhaling. Nico could tell he was tense, tenser than the rest of the team. Nico wanted to know why but it didn't seem like a question he should be asking, especially right now.

"So, he must be working with someone." Red Robin concluded. The rest of the team nodded.

"We must get to Sudan." Miss Martian said. "Immediately."

"Agreed." Aqua lad said, moving over to one of the many computers. "Please start the Bio ship Miss Martian." Nico had to run those words back into his brain. Bio ship? Was the ship like, alive?

"Yes, Kaldur." Miss Martian said her feet lifted a few feet off the ground and she flew off. Nico did not expect that.

"What is our rescue plan?" Robin asked, stepping forward and looking up at Aqua Lad. Nico figured he was the leader, though Nico thought Nightwing would be the leader.

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