The Talkathon (28)

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"This is pointless." Damian snarled, flinging the dagger point down into the mat.

"Damian." Nico just laughed. This was hilarious to him. "You've already managed to shift it twice."

"It is dangerous. The blade would be useless in battle." Damian snarled, stalking over to the racks, and snatching up a pair of katanas.

"You act like it's your dagger," Nico replied, calmly yanking the dagger out of the mat, and setting it aside on top of the fridge.

"Having a weapon like that would be good if I lose my main ones in battle," Damian said, gripping his katanas and jumping into a sort of twist to lop the head off of a dummy.

"I can maybe see if I could get the Hecate children to enchant something for you. But it would have to be something small." Nico replied, plopping down on the bench press.

"No need. I don't need magic weapons to win in battle." Damian snarled, kicking another dummy in the face.

"Alrighty," Nico said simply, looking up as Jason entered, his nose still wrapped in white gauze.

"Damn, demon looks a little frustrated." Jason snickered, grabbing a pair of metal poles, and twirling them casually.

"Silence Todd." Damian retorted. Nico looked away as Damian absolutely mutilated the next dummy.

"How's your nose?" Nico asked.

"Eh, broken," Jason said simply. "But that's to be expected."

"I'm still sorry about that," Nico mumbled, listening to Damian hack away.

"I've dealt with worse. I've dealt with a lot worse." Jason replied, cracking the poles through the air.

"Doesn't make it any better." Nico sighed, crossing his legs.

"Wanna re-match?" Jason asked, playfully swiping at Nico.

"Uh, no thank you," Nico said, shivering slightly at the memory of kicking Jason's nose in.

"You sure?" Jason asked, bringing the pole down on Nico's head, and lightly tapping Nico's forehead with the tip.

"Yes, I'm very sure," Nico grumbled, pushing the pole away from his face.

"Suits you." Jason snickered, jumping away, and stomping on the mat. "I was trying to save you from the talk Bruce wants to have with you, like, right now."

Nico groaned and Jason just laughed at him.

"Scram, emo man," Jason said, shoving Nico toward Bruce's office.

"I'm not emo. Why do people keep saying that?" Nico grumbled, stalking out of the room.

"I highly doubt you even know what emo is," Damian said, glancing briefly at Nico before starting to attack another dummy.

"I get made fun of enough for it by Leo and basically the rest of the seven," Nico grumbled. "I think I know what it means."

Nico ignored whatever they said next and stalked toward Bruce's office. He was starting to hate that place. Nothing good really ever seemed to come from there.

Nico pushed the door open and nearly yelped as he walked straight into Bruce, who had apparently been trying to leave the office.

"Ah, Nico," Bruce said, calmly twisting himself around and closing the office door behind them. "I was just about to come find you."

"Where are we going?" Nico asked, following Bruce down the hall.

"Alfred made some cookies just for you," Bruce replied, gently guiding Nico so he was walking in front of Bruce.

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