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Prisha didn't feel as nervous this time, though her heart was still pounding. This time, she didn't need to speak, only hand over Alf's chip. An easy thing to do. An easy thing to do.

She plucked at her pyjama shirt. It was bright pink and had a unicorn on it. 'I should have changed. I'm going to look like an idiot. I still don't understand why you can't do this yourself, Alf. They'll want to see you.'

'I cannot.'

'If you can stick something in my brain to translate your language, surely you can do the same.'


'Fine,' Prisha sighed as Alf helped her with the helmet. 'Wish me luck.'

He grinned at her. Actually grinned. So unexpected. More and more he was revealing unexpected things. The hugs. The kisses. His words. The way he looked at her. Now, this smile. It gave his already distorted face a lopsided look. But it was cute. Too cute.

Prisha couldn't help but laugh. 'Remember our deal? It still stands.'


He handed her the chip and Prisha gripped it tightly in her hand. Data. Her knees buckled again as she made her way down the ramp. It looked like a different place. Similar trees, though fewer. Similar stretch of grass. But everything was in different places. There was a dirt road in the distance.

There were nine figures waiting for her this time. There were the same witch's hats. The same neutral distance. Similar figures stood in the back with their cars. Transportable lights gleamed. She watched in a daze as bugs danced around them.

Washington. America. She was in America.

Prisha cleared her throat quietly in her helmet as she fastened her eyes on the waiting nine. Her eyes lingered over the tall thin man with the black moustache. Why he attracted her attention, she didn't know. Perhaps it was the way he was looking at her. It was more than fascination. More than awe. It was like he wanted to eat her.

'I'm back,' Prisha said. Her cheeks warmed. Why did everything she said sound wrong? 'I have something for you.'

She held out the chip.

They all leaned over, though they didn't move from their spots.

'What is it?' spoke the woman on the left.

'Data. That's all he'll tell me.' She paused. 'It might ... it might help us.'

'How can you be sure?'

'I'm not.'

'It could hurt us,' came Black Moustache's voice.

'No. He doesn't want that. He doesn't have to do this. He's not supposed to ...' She stopped. They probably shouldn't know that. 'I don't have to speak. Just take it.'

Her arm was trembling as she held it out. It wasn't one of the nine who came up to retrieve it but a tall figure from the back. A soldier. An officer, maybe. He took long, fast strides. Everyone watched as he stood over her. He studied her with dark, suspicious eyes that made Prisha tense up. What if he grabbed her? His eyes darted over her girly pyjamas. She remembered there was a big yellow stain on her left pant leg.

He held out his hand and Prisha dropped the chip into it.

Quickly, she stepped back. Away from him. Away from the rest of them. The urge to turn and run up the ramp was overwhelming. The soldier stared at her with those wary dark eyes as he held the chip lightly in his big fist.

'What's the data?' came a voice from further down the line. A short man with a bald head.

'I don't know.'

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