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3rd POV

Gotham City, April 2nd, 2012. 12:25 A.M.

Batman was investigating a silent alarm that was quickly disabled, anyone else would have missed it. The alarm was set off at a Genetics Lab Called "Cadmus" this was a sister location, that hadn't been fully operational as of yet.

As Batman arrived at the location he had noticed something immediately, all of the security had been knocked out and retrained he saw the familiar sight of Bolas, and Caltrops. Batman continued through the facility and heard the sound of frustrating rants and the smashing of objects as he listened carefully he, he recognized the voice it was Selina Kyle his one time flame, despite not being with her now he had never stopped loving her, she has been straight for quite a few years now, why risk it and way break into a Genetics Lab these questions echoed in Batman's mind.

The caped crusader decided to make his presence known.

Batman: Selina what are you doing here?

Catwoman on the reflex of hearing an unexpected voice was immediately on guard before realizing who it belonged to.

Catwoman: Bruce, it's you. Listen Handsome, I broke in here because someone sent me a message anonymously, Saying this place had something of mine, I just don't know what it is.

Batman narrowed his eyes he had learned to tell when Selina was lying or telling him the truth, and she was being honest right now.

Batman: I'll help, after all if a Genetics Lab has something that belongs to you it can't be good.

Catwoman looked surprised, she too was confused what did a Genetics Lab have that belonged to her.

Catwoman: Bruce what do you think that they have of mine and why?

Batman paused for a moment before sighing. He then continued to speak.

Batman: Selina your Abilities are unique to you, the way you obtained them was just as unique,if I had to guess I would assume they are using your DNA to try and replicate your powers.

Catwoman looked horrified at that implication, the continued to search the came across a isolated lab, Batman using a Hacking program deveped By Robin was able to bypass the lock once they entered the found three things, A Computer Console, A Containment Pod holding a Teenage boy inside and Three small creatures with horns that were glowing bright red.

Both Batman and Catwoman couldn't help but noticed the physical similarities between this boy and the two of them. Batman decided to use the console to learn what all this was. What he found shocked him and Selina.

This Boy was Labeled as "Project Dark Knight" It was also filled with all the information regarding it.

Project: Dark Knight

Subject creation: Success

Subject DNA sources: Batman: Real Identity unknown, and Catwoman: Real identity Selina Kyle.

Subject Trate Analysis: Superhuman.

Physical Age: 16 Years old

Literal age: 21 Weeks old

Gnomorph: Gnome(Implanting Education)

Abilities: Subject has inherited most of his maternal source's Cat based abilities, including the super agility, enhanced speed, reflexes, senses and strength, and accelerated healing. He has been implanted along with his Forced Education his Paternal Source's Combat knowledge. Amoung other skills and talents.

Notes: Dr. Desmond doesn't know about this project, nor does the board, they are preoccupied with Desmond's Project "Kr" but if this works we will have something far better than that pathetic excuse for a weapon.

Selina: Bruce, this boy... he's ours we need to get him out of there!

Batman nodded and hacked the computer the pod opened and the boy dropped to the floor. His eyes opened he saw the figures a man dressed as a bat and a woman dressed up as a cat. The boy jumped to his feet and pounced on Batman knocking him down before springing off him twisting in the air to avoid Catwoman's whip from restraining him. Batman had recovered snd threw a Baterang at the young man who simply dodged it as if it were nothing befor going into a crouch position he suddenly sprung out towards Batman Tackling him to the ground using his superior flexibility and strength The boy pinned both of Batman's legs and arm while having one of his own free he raised his fist and yelled out.


Selina: We're Your Parents!

The boy froze he , he thought he might have misheard them ,they said they were his parents.

Selina:  My name is Selina Kyle, I am your Biological mother, I was a thief after gaining the abilities of a cat after someone tried to kill me by throwing me out of a window.The call me Catwoman

The boy looked at Selina listening to her every word.

Selina: That man you've got pinned down is Bruce Wayne,he is called Batman one of the greatest Superheroes of all time despite not having powers himself. When he was a kid his parents were murdered in front of him, after that he swore to fight evil and injustice,so no one will end up like he did.

The boy eased his grip on Batman before releasing him all together.

Boy: Sorry, I thought you were here to eliminate me.

Selina looked both annoyed and concerned at her son's statement and demanded to know what he meant about that.

The boy went on to explain that The Reason the head doctor here isn't anymore was because he had been killed after The Board became aware of His existence and order for him to be terminated, the head doctor before he died had sent out a message in hopes it would find someone to save him.

Selina hugged the boy who tensed up as he had never experienced one before, after a brief pause he hugged his mother back.

They all left and headed back to the Batcave , Bruce had told Alfred to prepare a room for a guest. Once they arrived The Teen Boy was introduced to Alfred Pennyworth Butler to The Wayne family and Batman's most loyal confidant. And Richard Grayson aka Dick he is Bruce Wayne's Adopted son and Robin the Boy Wonder. As he was introduced to his new family Selina realized that he didn't have a Name Yet. So she Named him "Jake" short for "Jacob" Wayne.

Over the next few months Jacob seamlessly adapted to his new life, he had received a early graduation as his Education was far beyond any that a School could teach him, his existence was revealed to the public via a cover story, That he was Bruce Wayne's Biological son, he was conceived when Bruce was in college overseas to his girlfriend at the time another Gotham native studying abroad "Selina Kyle", Selina had her own addition to the cover as everyone knows she was once Catwoman she had added after she got pregnant with Jacob she was scared that she wasn't good enough for Bruce and left without telling him anything about their child, after she gave birth she worked as a secretary for a company to try to raise her son,but after overhearing illegal activities her boss was involved in ,her boss tried to murder her and sometime in between her fall and her waking up she had gained her Cat like abilities, it was then she turned to theft not for herself but to protect her son and allow him to live comfortably.

They had said That they reunited at a Charity conference and Terry was there as well Selina revealed to Bruce that Jacob was their son, she relayed her fears and insecurities about being with him, but Bruce said he didn't care, that he only ever loved her. Bruce had reportedly spent a fortune to reverse Selina's condition removing her Powers was almost impossible,but they did this so Catwoman would never be a presence in the future. As Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle announced their Engagement to the world.

The public loved their story even if it was all completely fabricated. Jacob had been training with his Parents and Brother for months while developing his own tech and Gear thanks to the help of Wayne Industries' R&D and Of course Lucius Fox.

Jacob was ready to Go into the field as NightBat.

TBC Next Time: Independence Day Pt.1

Stay Savage My Friends.

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