Chapter 6

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After waiting for 30 minutes, Adam walks in with food. I didn't realize I was hungry until I smelled the aroma that came from the McDonald's bags. I was currently sitting on the same chair I was yesterday. I stood up and crossed my arms as he set the bags down in the nightstand.

"I got your hash browns" he says with a smile as he holds out his hand with my hash browns. I look at it and my stomach growls as soon as I was gonna take it he retrieved his hand and took a bite. I gasped, did he just? No, he did not just mess with my hash browns. "Damn, these are really good." He says, of course, he just had to do it on purpose.

He sees the look on my face and laughs. "What's so funny?" I asked with gritted teeth. "You face" he says while taking another bite from my hash brown. He takes out another bag and he tosses it at me. I catch it and look inside.   Oh, the beauty. The beauty of the hash browns await me.   I see not one but two, beautifully crispy golden, hash browns waiting for me.

I look at Adam and see that he's taking out our breakfast and sorting out which one is what. "You bought me two hash browns?" I ask in disbelief. He turns around and faces me and gives me a questioning look. "Yeah..." he says slowly, trying to understand why I would question that.

"You didn't eat dinner yesterday and I didn't know if you ate something before that so after you told me about bringing you some hash browns I thought it would brighten your day if I bought you two." He states as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Oh" was all I managed to say, shocked at his words. "Thanks" I say and I take a bite from my delicious hash brown.

Your probably thinking 'what's the big deal? It's just hash brown' but this has nothing to do with hash browns. This has to do with the fact that Adam thought about me. Adam is not the type of guy to be caring about girls, he doesn't get involve with girls after Alice. Millions of girls have tried to change his mind but he just doesn't want to get involve. That's just how he rolls.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear Adam's voice. "Ok so we have eggs, bacon, sausage and bread on one plate. On the other we have pancakes with bacon too and apple juice. I also brought coffee, in case you wanted some. There's syrup for the pancakes and butter for the bread." He tells all of this while pointing to the plates that have their components. I take the pancakes and he takes the other plate.

In the mini balcony outside there's a table, we take our food and drinks and decide to eat there. As I take a bite from the pancakes I immediately remember Emma's pancakes. My wolf whimpers at the thought of Emma.   I miss her too.  I say to my wolf. I already hate half of my second pancake when I decided to ask Adam something.

"Hey, I was wondering when I could go back to my house to grab my clothes and stuff." He looks at me and lets out a long sigh. "Riley, you have to understand that it's not safe for you to be walking around." He says with a concerned look on his face. Is he worried that something might happen to me? I nod and go back to eating my pancakes.

I still feel his eyes on me and I look at him, meeting his beautiful eyes. "I'll take you tomorrow so you'll have your clothes for school on Monday." Ugh, school. I only have one more day of freedom before I'm back in that hell hole.

Thank god I'll be walking with Emma. Wait. Emma. Shit! I haven't told her about Adam being my mate and how I'm staying at, what I'm assuming, his house. Before I get up I look down at my plate and decide to finish it, i mean hello, i can't let pancakes and hash browns go to waste. We eat in comfortable silence and we finish at the same time. He takes my plate and all the trash and throws it away.

He walks back to me and asks. "Do you wanna take a look around?". "Yeah, sure". I say and give him a small smile. We leave and see a giant hallways that goes both left and right. It's painted a light brown and the floor is white. We went down the never ending hallway and give a bunch of turns. It's not his house, it's the pack house. And boy, it's huge.

As we keep walking people give me strange looks as if I'm some alien that came from the sky. It's not like they've never seen a guys with their mates. I wasn't looking where we we're going and I accidentally crash into Adam's back. I regain my balance and I see that there's and old man standing in front of us. Glaring at Adam.

Adam looks a lot like him. "Adam, where the hell were you yesterday? You didn't come to the meeting like you were suppose too." He said with gritted teeth while crossing his arms. I look at Adam and I see that his body is tensed up. "I was busy, dad" he says. I look back and forth and see the resemblance. He does look a lot like his dad, they even have the same signature pose. The crossing arms. "Buys doing what? Looking for girls to sleep with?." I felt a sting in my heart as his dad said those words.

He looks at me and then back to Adam. "Oh wait, you already found one." He says looking at me. My wolf starts to get mad but I force myself to shut up. "What did you just say?" He said to his dad taking a step closer to him. I was starting to panic as I saw how he and Adam looked at each other. It looked that they were gonna fight. I made the biggest mistake when I chipped in. "Um, I'm his mate." I said, slightly blushing.

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