Chapter 41

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Riley's POV

We were in the middle of training when Russell had come in to see our progress. "How's she doing?" He asks Jason as I drink water and pat my face with a towel to get rid of the sweat. "Good. She wants to go over controlling her energy, but we've done enough for today." He says as he chugs down his bottled water. We had been practicing non-stop since I woke up in another room. Jason kept telling me to take it slow, but it was as if I wasn't tired. Bits and pieces of the day before came to mind, but I never remembered what happened or how I even ended up in that room with blood on the side of my head. I didn't tell Jason this because I didn't know how he was going to react, but I could tell that something was wrong. Every now and then I could the energy circulating through my body and my heart rate would slow down, almost as if everything was in slow motion. 

When we had reached the training arena, everything changed. The only thing I could focus on was the target, and finding a way to "take it down". The adrenaline was running through my veins and I felt myself chasing that feeling. There were a few times where Jason had to stop me because I kept pushing past my limit. It was then I would calm down and take a break. 

"Let's practice it." Russell said. "Sir, with all due respect, we don't even know how to do this." Jason perked up. Russell raised an eyebrow at this and chuckled. "Do I need to repeat myself?" Russell asked in a deep voice. Jason lowered his head and shook it. "No, sir." He said in a low voice. I cleared my throat and Russell averted his attention to me. "I'm ready." I said, I could feel the energy coursing through my veins just waiting to be let out. It was like an itch that I couldn't get rid of and I needed to feel it. I needed to know how powerful I was. "We don't even know how to make this work." Jason said and Russell chuckled. "We don't, but Riley does. You see, Jason, not everything can be taught. And with Riley's power, she can only teach herself." He said with a smirk on his face. "She'll know what to do." He said walking out with Jason by his side. 

The arena has two floors. The first one was the training area that was big enough to fit 100 people. It also had a metal table where all the weapons were put and at the end of the training area were the targets. It the type of targets you used at a gun range and the ones you used to shoot arrows. Russell found this to be better than mannequins. On the second floor was a viewing area guarded by a railing. Russell would watch me there where Jason taught me many things, and it's now where he stands with Jason watching me. 

I stood in the middle of the arena and faced the targets, focusing on them and nothing else. There was a voice inside my head telling me to relax and feel the energy coursing through me. As I closed my eyes and took deep breathes, I was suddenly aware of everything around me. I could hear the slow beating of my heart, I could hear Jason's breathing and I could feel Russell's gaze on me. The energy was getting stronger and stronger until I couldn't hold it in anymore. I let out a scream and a force of energy left my body. When I opened my eyes, the targets where completely destroyed and scattered all over the room. I looked up at Russell and he was clapping his hands while Jason had a terrified look on his face. I smirked at Jason and looked back at the targets. This feeling of being was powerful was something that I never had before. And now that I got it, I wanted to keep chasing that feeling. And nobody would get in the way of that. 

After that, Russell had excused Jason and told me to meet him at the office. I went to my room, cleaned up and made my way to Russell's office. I knocked on his door and he told me to come in. I took a seat in front of his desk and noticed a couple of syringes in the desk. They looked familiar, and before I could let my thoughts wonder to them, Russell had snapped me out of it. "Riley, we did a lot of progress today. I'm very proud of you." He said and gave me a smile. "That was the most exhilarating things that has ever happened to me." I said remembering that feeling I felt a few moments ago. "I bet. You must be feeling a little tired though." He said getting out of his chair and walking over to the front of the desk. "A little bit, but it's nothing that a little sleep wouldn't fix." I said. I started to make my way to the door when Russell stopped me. 

"Before you go, there's something that needs to be done." I turned around and saw that he was taking a black velvety box. "Take a seat, Riley." He said, I didn't think much of it, so I sat in the chair that was in front of his chest. "With great power, comes great responsibility. And it is my job to ensure that you embrace all your powers. But, of course, we can't do that with a little help." He says this as he opens the box and takes out a syringe. 

"What is that?" I ask in a worried voice. Whatever was inside that syringe could not be good. For a moment, I had forgotten on who's side I was and for who I was doing this for. Why was Adam so distant in my mind? I had been so focused on becoming stronger and faster that I let my true intentions go away. Something wasn't sitting with me right and I started to panic. "Doesn't matter, Riley. What matters is that you remember your place. He said in a serious tone. He started to walk towards me with the syringe and I felt frozen to my seat. 

"Look, whatever that is, I'm sure I don't need it. I'm on your team remember. I'm doing everything you asked for." I got up from my chair and started to walk backwards to the door while keeping an eye on Russell. Before I knew it, someone grabbed from behind, and Russell put a washcloth over my mouth. "It's not good enough." Before stabbing the syringe in my neck. I tried to scream, but darkness started to take over me.

I have no idea how much time had passed when I started to wake up, I was groggy and everything looked blurry. I tried to move, but my body felt so heavy and when I looked down I was tied in a chair. I still had the washcloth in my mouth and I looked around me and saw Kevin and Russell talking in the corner of Russell's office. I tried to focus my vision, but it wasn't working. I knew I had to get out of there, I gathered all the strength I could and tried to move the chair in the direction of the door. I could barely move it an inch when Russell and Kevin looked over to me. "Ah, I see you're awake." He walked over to me and crouched down so we were eye level. "I told Jason that we weren't going to practice for a few days and to keep guard outside. That way he doesn't think something happened to you, and I have you all to myself without any interruptions." He gave me a wicked smile and walked over to the desk. 

"You see, I love having you on my team. But I know you've been sneaking off to see Adam. How stupid of you to think that I wouldn't find out." He shook his head and chuckled. My heart clenched and a tear rolled down my cheek. I'm sorry, Adam. He took another syringe and walked over to me. "You will be my perfect weapon, and nothing is going to stop me. And when your little friends come to rescue you, you will be on my side and you won't even notice." Another tear rolled down my cheek before he put the syringe and everything turned went black again. 

This happened for a couple of days. Every single syringe was injected into my body, and every time I felt my true intentions slip away. When the final syringe was injected, my whole body shut down and I was taken back to my room. I stayed there for 3 days and when I finally woke up, I had forgotten all about the plan and Adam. 


Whoooaaaa, so lets acknowledge the elephant in the room. I had writers block again, but now that I'm on vacation I took advantage of it and started writing again. I do think the next chapter or two are gonna be the last chapters. I have written this book for as long as I can remember and I want to be able to start a new one. I have new ideas for a new book, but I haven't started writing the chapter until I'm done with this book. I am so sorry for keeping you all waiting, the last thing I wanted was this and I hope you can forgive me. Hopefully you have enjoyed this book as much as I have and continue with this journey with me. 

See you o the next chapter :)

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