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"What do we do now?" Rose asked, her breaths shaky as well,

"I don't know," I said in a barely audible voice, everything was so quiet, and I think everybody could guess that something bad would happen, you know like the calm before the storm.

"Evelyn! Say something!" Weskser yelled, he was losing his cool,

"We should find a way to get Darren out of this house," She said, looking frantically at the hallway,

"Guys? We have to do something before Mom and Dad return, they are on their way!" I said alarming them,

"You're right. Maybe we can send them on a long drive?" Rose asked.

"Nope, I tried that already, they said they're tired already and want to come straight home," I replied,

"Well then, we better hurry, we'll find something to stop them from coming in your room," Evelyn suggested.

"Okay," I said and everybody were nodding their heads in agreement,
We did as we planned. We put the pillows back, cleaned the blood which was dropped from the knife the man or whatever the shit it was,
Everything was looking pretty organized, like nothing happened,
"What about Darren?" Rose asked,

"We'll dig a grave for him,. There is a cemetery nearby, walkable distance. I know someone there, my grandma's grave is there too, so that person, knows me, pretty well." Evelyn said,

"Guys, hurry up, they'll be here soon," I said, looking out if the window for any signs of their car pulling up,
Wesker was still trembling, in anger and terror.

"Can you drive?" I asked him,

"I don't have a licence,"

"That's cool, here, I said throwing the keys to him,
"What? Wait! No, I can't, what if I crash?" He asked me, getting up,
"Just try not to, okay?" I replied,

We couldn't do anything else, for now,

"Great, then come on, let's move," Evelyn said,
We hurried to the car and slowly placed Darren's body in the back, and we all hoped in,
"Hurry!" I said, indicating him to quicken his pace, because if dad sees his one and only car missing, I'm grounded,
We reached the cemetery, in about 15 mins. There were candles lit in some corner and over the fences, with crosses hooked above the ground, the wind howled, making us gasp,
Evelyn hopped out and talked with a person looking so old, and a bit fat, he must be the care taker of this cemetery,
She told us to carry Darren as the person there has allowed to dig him a grave, and found us an empty place,

"Thank you so much," Evelyn said, smiling politely,
"Don't worry, I'll bury him, safely. You guys should head home," He said, we thanked him and walked to our car,
We were home, before my parents. I sighed in relief,

"I'm sorry, Wes," I said as I looked down at the floor trying to hide the guilt ocean overflowing,

"It's okay, Abby. It isn't your fault," He said, although his voice sounded exactly the opposite,

"Do you have a answer for his parents?" Rose asked, damn, that didn't hit me,

What will we say? What will be the consequences? Will we go in jail?

"I'll do it," Wesker said,
"Do what?" Rosa asked,
"I'll tell the police that I killed Darren,"

"What! Are you kidding me?"

"I'm serious,"

"And why would you do thatz to your best friend?"

"Because he....he...flirted with you when you were my girlfriend. I lost my shit, and I--"

"Wesker, don't you dare do any of that! I swear to God,"

"Rose, listen to me, someone has to so something, he was my best friend, he always will be,"

"But Wes-"

"You guys, go take care of the board and shit, I'll do the rest," He said, "And anyways, your parents won't be too happy to see me home," He turned to me,

"Okay, call us when you're home,"

He nodded and left closing the door behind him, now it was just me, Rose and Evelyn.

"What should we do with the board?" I asked, looking at Evelyn,

"We continue playing it, don't we?" Rose replied,

"No, Abby's parents would be here any time, I think we should clean up and leave for the time being, it's gonna be morning soon," Evelyn said,

"You're right, Rose, you can stay over," I said looking at her, she nodded,
So we did as discussed, I kept the board in the box back in the attic,
We entered my room, and saw Cookie under my bed, shaking and whimpering,
"Oh, my poor baby," I said as I patted his head,

"I don't think he's safe here," Rose said,

"Yeah, I'll call Zoey and ask her to keep him for a few days,"

Cookie was with my other friend now, because I didn't want him to be included in this mess, losing him would be the second death of me,

"Mom! Dad!" I said as I heard the doorbell, I opened the door and squeezed them hard.
"I missed you!" A white lie,

Rose was in my room,

"We too, we got something for you!" Dad said,

"Yeah, what is it?"

They got me a little box,
"What is this?"

"Open it,"

I did, and there was a bracelet, with a little cross engraved on it and the word, brave scribbled, it was in russet colour and looked really vintage,

"Thank you, Mom, Dad," I said and hugged them again,

"You'll need this," Mom said as we hugged, I was about to ask her why just then I heard Rose calling out to me from my room,

I hurried to my room,

"Are you okay?" I asked, panting,

"Look at that," She said, with trembling breaths, pointing at the window,

I slowly made my way to the window, not wanting to see anything I imagined right now,

And down there, in my backyard, was a guy standing looking up at me, with his face messed up, like durt on his face, and there was blood all over his limbs, he faintly smiled and threw something up at me,

I gasped and moved behind quickly, looking down on the floor, I noticed it was a paper ball, shit, I looked at Rose and she was looking at me, we both were drowning in fear,

I picked it up and opened it,

You left me there, all alone, to die? It read,

I looked down the window, and now the face was even more clearer,
It was Darren,


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