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"Did father call you?" Mom asked.
"No, not yet." I informed her. I was worried about him. I hope he is safe.
"Abby?" I asked Andrew call me from my mother's room.
"Coming" I replied. I made my way towards the room, and opened the door. Andrew looked worried.
"What did you find in here?" I asked him looking around.
"These." He said handing me small paper balls.
I wondered what they were.
"What are these?" I asked.

"I don't know. Nothing's mentioned about that."
I opened those papers. There were these messages on them.


The last message shut me up. My eyes averted to the room's ceiling. There were scratch marks, black satanic drawings and many footprints.

"An-Andrew?" My voice was shaky.
"Look up." Why was I whispering?
"Holy Jesus Christ." He exclaimed.
A cold breeze bribed my arm. I felt it. I felt how dark this entity was.
I shivered. Suddenly my mind shifted into a trance.

I saw circles. Concentric circles. Everywhere. Then I heard yelling. Yelling of people to save them. Then, I saw bodies of people floating around. Some had their eyes missing, some had their heads missing. I was frightened.
"Where the hell am I?" I thought.
Then, all of a sudden, Alicia popped in front of me.
"Where in the world am I?" I asked her angrily thinking that she is behind all this.
"You are in a portal. A portal between the human and spirit realm. Now listen to me. I am in danger. You need to save us both." She said. Her tone seemed a little alarming.

"Okay, hold up. A ghost is asking me to save it from some danger? Are you kidding me?" I asked.
"I'm not, Abby. I'm serious. We both are in danger." She said.

"Danger? What kind of? Save us from whom?" I questioned her.
"From her." She pointed out to something behind me. I tried turning around, and I did turn. Success.
I saw a mirror. It was one of those typical mirrors in horror movies.

Some fog summed up on the mirror and a face was appearing on it.
"Woah, whose that?" I asked leaning closer to the mirror, trying to figure out the face.
"Its her." She replied.
"Her?" I asked. There was an old lady's image, a little blurry. She had empty black sockets.
Her hair was full white and she had messy red lips, with some black gooey liquid dripping form the edges for her mouth.

"Who the hell is she?" I asked, fear surrounding me.
"Other wandering spirits call her, Vega. The Queen of the underworld. Wife of Satan." Alicia said.

'Vega?' I have heard it somewhere, or more precisely, I've read it somewhere.

"Why is she harming me? Us?" I asked her.
"She seeks revenge."
"Revenge? From whom? I don't even know this woman."
"I have no idea about that." She said.

I thought about it for a second. A woman, whom I don't even know, one day just pops into my life, seeking revenge? This sounds so like a horror movie plot. That is happening with me.

"So, you mean, you are of no harm to us?" I asked Alicia.
"Exactly. All those things which you found wired, or those "paranormal" things which I did, were to warn you. You got me wrong Abby." She said.

I woke up from the trace. Andrew was constantly shaking me.
"Abby! Abby? Thank God, you are all right! What the hell happened?" He asked me.

If I start to explain him that I was in a portal between two realms and I discovered that there is another spirit of an old lady trying to haunt is and Alicia was a helper all the time, he would probably faint.
So, I better keep this shit to myself.

"I had a little migraine." I lied. I had to.
"Oh, okay. Maybe because of the tension you keep taking all the time." He guessed.
"Yeah. Maybe." I replied.
Life is indeed, exhausting.


"Are you hungry? I'll make you something." Mom said, smiling.
It seemed like ages to see her smiling.

"Mom, you are weak. You need to rest. I'll make you some soup." I offered.
"I'm okay, Abby. Don't you care about me. I'll go make us lunch." She said.
Her mood was a little happy today. A weird happy.

"But, mom."
"Honey. Listen to me. I'm all fine. Don't care so much about your old lady now. Probably it's just her days coming near." She said. I felt bad. I don't want to lose her. She's my only family. My support system.

"Okay. But on one condition."

"What is it?"

"You must let me help you. Agree?"

"Very well, agreed. Come on in, Master Chef." Mom winked at me. I giggled.

We loved cooking. It was like a stress buster. We enjoyed doing it.
"Pass me the potatoes, Will you?" Mother asked.
"Here you go." I passed the potatoes.

I munched on the fries we made.
"Mom! These fries are just...amazing!" I said eating a whole lot of them.

"Abby, you shouldn't talk while you are eating. Right? By the way, the fries are really amazing." We both laughed. We'd make a good pair, I thought.

Suddenly, the lights flickered. Again. I thought about the trance. About what Alicia said. But, mom didn't look scared. Usually, when the lights flickered, she did scare herself, but today, she was so normal.

"Mom, the lights." I said.
"Yeah, honey. Must be electricity problem. Its okay." She said, earl;g her fries. For the first time in forever, I didn't see that sparkle in mom's eyes as it was before. The day I got back from that farmhouse, I did smell something hideous.

"Aren't you, you know, scared?" I said munching on my last fry.
"No. Why will I be scared? Is this some kind of prank of yours?" She asked.

I was confused.
"Mom. I don't do pranks. Don't you know?" How come she didn't know that I hated pranks? She must have forgotten.

"I mean...You know....uh, okay forget it." She stammered. Why?
Andrew had returned home a long time ago. So I didn't had to worry about him much.

"Mother? I think I need to grab some sleep. I will catch you later, okay? I'm going to my room now." I informed her although I didn't have to.

"Okay, good night sweety." Her voice was a little sweet.
I made my way towards my room.

'Save us! Help!' I heard. Shit, not again. Am I in a freaking trance again? God, I need pure help.

I closed my room door.
"What were those voices I heard?" I asked.
"Souls. Trapped souls." Alicia replied.

"Why are the asking me to help them?"

"Because you can save them. You can hear them, see them, feel them." She said. Was she serious?

Hola Amigos!
A long chapter? I know=)
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