Chapter One

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"Alec Brooke, detention!"

Aw crap. With one last glare at Cam who was rolling around on the ground like an oversized baby, clutching his nose as blood seeped through his fingers, I left the football pitch and headed inside to the changing rooms.

I pulled off my mud covered kit and shoved it into my school bag before grabbing a towel and heading for the showers. My hand hurt. I turned on the shower in the cramped stall, waiting for the water to heat up before welcoming the powerful blast of the spray onto my face.

To be honest, Cameron probably didn't deserve the punch in the face. The guy's a dickhead, always winding people up and trying to get under their skin, but he is one of my best friends. Usually I don't let him get to me, but today had been a shit day and he should have just shut up when I told him to. Guess the joke is on him now.

I scrubbed vigorously at the dirt and grime on my body, trying to focus on the sound of the running water and breathing in the hot steamy air. I broke up with Kelly today. She cried. I stood their awkwardly. It's not that I'm one of those guys who hates emotional situations, I'm more than happy to talk about my emotions and shit unlike most guys, but the only thing I could think of doing in that situation was to give her a hug, and intimate contact didn't seem like the best move considering I probably just broke her heart. She was a great girl, probably the best girlfriend I've ever had, but I just wasn't feeling it. I couldn't seem to care about her more than I would a friend - and the sex was boring.

I turned off the water and wrapped my towel around my waist before heading back to my bag. I quickly got changed into my jeans and polo shirt just as the rest of the guys started barging through the door. Cameron gave me the finger on the way past. I sighed. Once the doorway was free I grabbed my bag and left the changing room, retrieving my detention slip from the hand of a waiting Mr. Conner who informed me that detention was all week. Great.

I got out of the P.E department just as the home bell went and was quickly submerged in the crowd of students eagerly heading towards the front exit of the school. Heading towards the back of the school where the detention room was situated- whose great idea was that- I eventually made it past the oncoming wave of students into the empty hallway leading to detention. I was nearly at the door when I collided with someone coming up the other corridor.

"Shit, sorry" I muttered before looking up at whoever I just walked into. My eyes widened. The guy was about two inches taller than me and had dark hair that had been bleached platinum blonde and seriously needed re-dyed. He wore black skinny jeans and a light blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up. But what made my eyes widen was that the whole right side of his faced and shoulders was covered in red and purple splattered paint.

"My bad" he said, before stepping out the way to let me enter first. I gave him a nod before opening the door and was greeted by Ms. Jackson. She was a little old lady, with grey curly hair and small glasses on the end of her nose. She smiled when she saw me as I handed her over my detention slip.

"Alec Brooke, I've not seen you here in a while, what on earth did you do?"

"I punched Cameron in the face" I stated.

She shook her head at me, a small smile playing on her lips. "Bad day?"

"Something like that." I took a seat in the middle of the class, dumping my bag next to my chair.

"And Dylan, for some reason I'm not surprised to see you here," said Ms. Jackson, still smiling.

"You know me, Ms. Jackson" said Dylan. "I just enjoy your company too much."

Ms. Jackson just shook her head again as Dylan sat in the seat two along from me next to the wall.

"Well you're going to have to do without my company for a while I'm afraid, I have some work to attend to. But I'm sure I can trust you boys to not run away while I'm gone," she said, packing up her bag. When Ms. Jackson looked up, she did a double take, looking at Dylan.

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