Chapter Ten

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For the first time in a long while I was wake before my alarm went off and I wasn’t dreading the thought of school. I took my time in the shower and took care picking out what I was going to wear.

It’s just school Alec. I opted for a pair of blue jeans, white t shirt and a grey pull over hoodie since it was getting colder. I had finished my breakfast and was pacing the kitchen by the time Sam pulled up to take me and Luke to school.

Sam was ending a call as Luke and I got in.

“Who was that?”

“That,” started Sam as he pulled out onto the road, “was Matt. He’s having an ‘ill’ day today and felt the need to reassure me not to worry.”

I’d be seriously worried if you couldn’t hear the sarcasm in Sam’s voice and I’d urge you to contact your GP immediately.

“What’s really wrong with him?”

“The stupid imbecile decided to ignore my advice when I told him not hang out with his brother on Sunday. And by ‘hang out’ I mean party.”

I blew out a whistle. “Biggest hangover in the world?”

“Oh yeah. He was trashed after Mitch’s so God only knows what he’s like today.” Sam stopped at the traffic lights and looked over at me. “What happened to you at Mitch’s? I hardly saw you. Did you have a alright time?”

You could say that. “Yeah. I got a proposition from Savannah offering to ‘help me forget about Kelly’.”

Sam made a gagging sound as the lights turned green. “That girl is one nasty piece of work.”

“Tell me about it.”


First that morning was double History, and when I entered the class room Dylan was already there in him seat at the back of the class. He nodded to the seat next to him and I sat down, a small part of me overjoyed that Matt had misplaced his commonsense and couldn’t make it to school. Just a small part.

Mr. Fletcher chose to put on a DVD to do with medieval times seeing as next week was the history trip to some castle in the middle of nowhere. The lights were turned off and as the documentary began to play I looked at Dylan from the corner of my eye.

 We were both slouched in our chairs, Dylan’s hair defying gravity in its messy  way.

“If you want a picture, just ask,” murmured Dylan softly, as small smile playing on his lips. Luckily the dark room hid my blush and I turned to stare at him fully.

“Can I get a picture?” I whispered, earning me a full smile.

 I turned back towards the projector, and a moment later I heard Dylan scoot his chair closer. He leaned in towards me, the left side of my body touching his right, and my breath caught when he whispered in my ear;

“Only if I can get one.”

We sat for the rest of the lesson like that, watching the rest of the documentary leaning against each other. Despite only being friends with Dylan for just over three weeks, sitting with him like this felt familiar, and I couldn’t help but send up a silent prayer thanking Matt for unintentionally giving me this moment.


Wednesday’s football practice allowed me to blow off some steam and clear my head, only focusing on the game coming up on Saturday.

“I’ve got an idea for October break,” said Sam as we were doing a passing drill together. He waved Cam and Matt over- who was looking less zombie-like than he was yesterday- who joined in with our drill.

“October break,” he started again, “we could go to my parents’ cabin at the lake. I’ve already asked them, and they’re going to Spain so they won’t be using it.”

“Sounds good,” grunted Cam as he chested the ball that Matt had kicked too high.

“Yeah,” I agreed. Sam’s cabin was huge, in the middle of a forest right next to a lake. Perfect for playing music loud and drinking.

After going over the game plan for Saturday and figuring out the team, Sam dropped me off at home and I headed upstairs for a shower. Afterwards I pulled on some pyjama bottoms and headed downstairs for something to eat.

My dad was pacing around the living room talking on his phone while my mum prepared there dinner. I made myself a ham sandwich and grabbed a packet of crisps and a bottle of cola and headed back up the stairs. I sat on my bed and took a bite out of my sandwich when my phone chimed. I had a message from Dylan.

I opened it and nearly spat my sandwich all over me.

Here’s that picture you so desperately begged for ;) x

Attached was a picture of Dylan with the cheesiest smile on his face, eyes screwed closed and hair everywhere. I couldn’t help but smile.

Begged? X

He replied moments later.

Yes, you’re drool told me that before it crash landed on the table x

Bastard. I sent him an equally cheesy photo back and finished the rest of my sandwich before checking my phone again.

Beautiful x

Sophie really likes it x

She wants me to print it out so she can stick it to her wall x

I laughed. He’d told me today that his mum was working night shift at the hospital so he’d be on ‘Sophie watch’ as he put it. My phone chimed.

She’s in the process of making a shrine x

What was wrong with the guy.

Make sure she makes her own and doesn’t steal yours x

He replied moments later.

She’ll never find my Alec Brooke Shrine ;) x

“Alec,” my mum called from downstairs, “we need to talk to you.”

Good mood evaporates. I sighed and pulled on a t shirt before heading downstairs to the living room where my parents sat. I leaned against the wall and was surprised when my dad was the one to speak first.

“This Saturday we’ve arranged to have a meal with Kieran-“

“Your dad’s business partner,” my mum cut in.

“-and his family. I know you have a game on Saturday morning, so I thought it would be a good way to celebrate.”

“We haven’t seen them in so long,” added mum,” so it would be good to catch up seeing as your father and Kieran are trying to close a big deal.”

Great. “Okay,” I nodded before saying goodnight. To be honest, I wasn’t thrilled about this dinner. Usually after a game I went round to either of the lads’ house and celebrated with them. That wasn’t what was bothering me though. Kieran has a daughter, Molly, who is a nice enough girl but... well... our parents have been trying to hook us up forever and I really, really, am not interested. She is also extremely touchy-feely if you know what I mean. And I’m now single. Which means our parents think it could actually happen. Bring on Saturday night.

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