Chapter Twelve || Speeches and bombs

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"Comfort is how well these hands know that body. The temperature of its skin, the dimples, lines, and the curves where one piece ends and another begins".

- Tyler Knott Gregson

Ed layed in bed with the sheets covering his naked body from the waist down

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Ed layed in bed with the sheets covering his naked body from the waist down. Beside him layed Charlotte, also naked. She had a hand on his chest and brushed her fingers against it lightly. Ed had missed laying with Charlotte in bed like that with an arm around her and the other rubbing the arm she had over his chest. She also had missed feeling his bare skin against hers and the last thing she wanted was to get out of bed and leave his embrace.

Charlotte looked up at Ed to see him staring at the ceiling thoughtfully. "Wild night, huh?" She asked with a small chuckle and Ed looked down at her with a smile forming on his lips. "We should probably have slept a bit".

"Was that really what you wanted to do?" Ed asked her with a raised eyebrow. "Sleep?"

"Not really, no," she answered truthfully with a smile up at him as she rested her hand over his heart. "Your heart is racing".

"Yeah? Who should I blame for that?" He remarked and stopped rubbing her arm to place his hand over her heart. "Your heart is racing too". He returned to rub her arm softly. "What time is it?"

Charlotte looked over at the alarm clock on the nightstand beside her bed. "Six. We're only supposed to go to the meeting with Lee at ten". Charlotte moved to stand on top of Ed and leaned down to kiss him. He couldn't help but smile during the kiss and his hands pulled her more against him by the waist. She pulled away and smirked. "Ready for another round?"

Charlotte bit her lower lip when Ed nodded at her. He honestly didn't know how many times they had sex that same night. He lost count after the fourth time. For six weeks they had been having sex every now and again, but Ed didn't know what they were exactly. Friends with benefits? Lovers? Charlotte hadn't brought up the subject and Ed didn't have the courage to ask. She seemed happy with their current arrangement and Ed just wanted to see her happy. He was afraid, he would ruin things if he started asking questions.

Hours later, Charlotte went downstairs to eat breakfast while Ed went to take a shower. She turned on the TV near the table and to her annoyance, the first thing she saw was Barbara's face. She wore a long blonde wig and danced to the beat of a song.

"Now there's no reason to ever be alone in this city again," Barbara smiled. "The Sirens club is back with a passion".

Tabitha was there too and they both sent seductive looks towards the camera. Selina moved her shoulders to the sound of the beat as well, but she looked annoyed out of her mind.

"Ladies drink for free whilst men... don't," Tabitha informed and sipped on her martini.

"You'll like it," Selina said. "It's nice".

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