Chapter Four

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It was on Thursday morning that Carter wondered how he had never noticed Johnny Mason at school, before their incident. 

On that morning, Carter spotted him nearly as soon as he set foot inside the school building with Seth by his side, Luca and Frankie in tow. They had taken advantage of Seth's presence that morning to drive to school a bit later, instead of going with Mike at early bird hours. Bellla and her friends, who had all ended up staying the night in the living room, drove right behind them in Roy's old red car.

They made up a strange gang walking through the school gates. Their group soon dissolved, tough, as they all took up different routes the instant they stepped inside.

The rest of the morning ticked by the same as always. It wasn't until lunch period that Carter noticed Johnny again. He saw Coach's son standing by his locker, while Carter walked the halls among the stream of students flowing toward the cafeteria.

When Johnny shut his locker, Carter instantly averted his eyes, suddenly afraid of being caught looking. He couldn't help a quick glance back, though. When he found the other boy walking away, Carter realized he had been kind of expecting to find brown eyes staring back at his. He couldn't quite class the feeling in his chest at the realization Johnny hadn't even noticed him.

At the cafeteria, he sat between Mel and Seth at their athlete-crowded long table. Opposite them, Joey Ashley sat next to some of their senior teammates. At one point, the starting wide receiver leaned over the table, with an excited glint in his eye aimed at Seth and Carter.

He slapped both hands down on the table. "What're the plans for tomorrow night, caps?"

Carter startled a bit, glancing at Seth. His best friend looked at him non-committally, as though he considered that question and its answer entirely meant for Carter alone. Even if he had no idea what to say.

Bobby Gonzalez, a senior and their most aggressive tackle, seemed glad to jump in to answer in Carter's place.

"Party at Chaz's," he boomed. "His parents are out the whole weekend. Everyone who brings a six-pack is welcome." He grinned wildly, patting the shoulder of the golden-blonde senior to his right.

Joey hooted in appreciation, with the support of the rest of the table. He pointed a demanding finger at Carter. "You coming, right?"

Seth's hand flattened on his shoulder. "Like Cart would ever miss a wild party," he mused.

When Carter turned his head to look at him, he noticed the little smile on Seth's lips held an edge of teasing amusement behind its shallow front. Carter bit back a smile of his own, resigning with the fact he had just found himself Friday night plans.

Walking out the cafeteria with Seth felt a bit like escaping a madhouse, after that. The whole table had erupted in orderless tumult following the news of Chaz's house party. Carter was starting to feel the same kind of headache he often got at the Santoro dinner table. Seth either shared his discomfort or noticed Carter's, because they left unusually early for their math class.

On the plus side, being early left every seat at their disposal. Instead of sitting in the front row, like they usually did because they were always late, Carter and Seth took their seats at the back, waiting for the bell to ring. When it did, only two other girls were already in the room, whispering to each other and shooting them frequent and unceremoniously obvious stares. 

The classroom filled quickly, after the bell, and Carter almost forgot who else was in this class. Until he saw her walk over to the seat in front of his, like lightening striking a tree.

"That's Rupert's seat," Bella spat, slumping non-too-gracefully on her chair.

"Who's Rupert?" Carter spoke evenly.

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