Chapter Forty-One

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*This chapter contains multimedia relevant to the plot*

**There is also sexual content ahead**

"What's this?"

Tony and Frankie lifted their heads from the piece of paper laid out on the kitchen table. Jack and Bella turned around on their seats to face Carter and Seth as they stood in the doorway, with bed hair and sleep still in their eyes. Mike stood behind them all, leaning against the kitchen counter as he gulped down the contents of a reusable water bottle, wearing basketball shorts and a tight lycra shirt, looking like he'd just been exercising.

"We're planning the teams for today," Frankie said in answer to Carter's question, turning his attention back to the paper.

"What's today?" Carter asked.

Bella rolled her eyes. There were pillow marks on the left side of her face and her pony tail was drooping to one side. She seemed to give a grand total of zero shits about it though, even though her boyfriend was standing right behind Carter, in his unapologetic flawless post-sleep glory. 

"Annual Santoro football game," she answered. "Last January weekend of every year."

"We hold our annual basketball game on the last July weekend of every year," Jack added.

Mike smiled, setting his emptied reusable bottle on the counter behind him. "The age-old family rivalry. Basketball versus football," he mused with an edge of humor to his voice.

"Ever since the old man's high school days," Frankie chimed in. "He played basketball and Uncle Robbie played football. They're always team captains."

"Traditionally, Richie, Mike, Frankie and cousin Tori play on Uncle Robbie's team, while Bella, Luca, cousin Bianca and I play with the old man," Jack said.

"This year, it's kind of a mess," Frankie said, aggressively scratching over something on the paper with a pen. "Richie couldn't fly home because of his job—"

"Nightclub promoting isn't a job," Tony complained.

"—and Tori refuses to play, because she's Tori," Frankie continued, unfazed. "And now Mike's bailing too, because he decided to get a social life."

"I have study group," Mike explained.

"I was just planning on having Carter step in for Mike," Tony said. "That way we can just play with four-men teams."

"Can't I just sit this one out?" Bella mumbled. "Abby and Charlie get to."

"Then you'll have to keep cousin Tori company," Jack reminded her.

Bella pulled a face. "Never mind."

"I hate to ruin your plans," Carter started hesitantly. Frankie and Tony shot him desperate looks. He winced apologetically. "I kind of had plans of my own."

With Johnny. Seth smiled, because he knew that. But the Santoros didn't have to.

"Can't you just cancel your plans?" Frankie whined. "We were counting on you, C-dog."

"Frank," Tony warned with a shake of his head.

"Fine," Frankie groaned. "What about Seth?"

"What about him?" Bella shot back.

"He could step in for Mike," Frankie suggested. "He's always staying over, he's basically family."

"And he's also co-captain of our school's football team," Bella mused cynically, eyes narrowed venomously.

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