conspiracy theories

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Waynes and Gainzz Group Chat

Hoodlum: Why are we texting? We are literally two feet from each other.

Timbers: Bc some peeps have super hearing?

Spoiled: Freakin SB, let's fight him.

The OG: Orrr we could not do that and discuss why we came in here?

Bruce's Fav: Boo, you're no fun.

BG: For real tho, you guys have become sloppy.

Spawn: I agree.

BG: You're included in that.

Spawn: I will smite you.

Spoiled: I wish I brought popcorn, that's a beatdown I'd love to see.

Spawn: Thank you.

Timbers: She meant you would be the one being beaten, dumbo.

Hoodlum: Ooh, shit.

The OG: GuYs FoCuS

Bruce's Fav: No.

Spoiled: Why can't we just tell them?

Spawn: Father would not like that.

Hoodlum: Do I look like I care what B has to say?

Timbers: Does anyone ever look at you?

Spoiled: OOOH DAMN!

The OG: I give up.

Bruce's Fav: Can we go back to me beating people up? That was fun.

BG: Steph, you can tell the team if you want and deal with B's wrath.

Spoiled: OMG YAS!

The OG: I stg I'm going to go gray.

Timbers: Gray-son ha. ha. ha. I hate myself.

Hoodlum: You and me both.

BG: We should probably go back to the team now.

In unison, the Bats all slid their phones into various parts of their costumes before walking towards the doorway where the team was wrapping up their conversation about what they knew of the batfamily.

"That was a quick meeting. Get everything accomplished?" Artemis asked, eyeing the Bats suspiciously.

Dick nodded grumpily, sulking next to Barbara as Stephanie skipped circles around the gathering. Jaime looked between her and the other Bats with confusion before asking what her deal was. Tim shrugged. "She had too much sugar."

Steph appeared next to Tim and Jaime, making the latter's heart leap to his throat. She snickered. "Talk shit, get hit."

"Spoiler, you've been hanging out with Red Hood too much." Barbara sighed lovingly, looking over the group of her family and friends.

"What do we do now? More sparring? Games? TV?" Bart asked, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

An idea popped into Steph's head.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Let's watch those trashy celebrity gossip shows!" She squealed, not waiting to hear an answer as she took off running towards the television.

Everyone else exchanged looks, confusion swimming in all their eyes except for Tim and Cassandra, who had figured out what Stephanie was up to. They sighed, following after the energetic blonde who had already turned on the TV and was tuning up to the correct channel.

Lucky for her, they were doing a gossip session on the playboy billionaire Bruce Wayne who just loves to adopt orphans.

The team and the Bat family all took seats on the floor or the couches, some honestly intrigued as to what the show was going to say.

Not that Tim would ever admit that to his siblings.

"-believe they are not all biologically his. I mean, Grayson and Drake have established families that tragically passed." If anyone on the team noticed Nightwing and Robin flinch, they didn't comment on it. "But the girl, Cassandra, she came out of nowhere and could conceivably be his. Damian we know is his, but what about Jason, the one that passed away a few years ago during that bombing incident overseas? Sure, the story is he was a street rat that Wayne took in, but what if there is more to it than that?"

The other nameless show host looked interested, yet a bit skeptical, of the woman's theories. "You do make a convincing argument."

"They share the dark hair and blue-green eyes. Well, Cassandra doesn't have blue eyes but minor details."

"I hear each of them has a trust fund so large it has to be divided among three separate banks."

"I heard they faked Jason's death because he wanted out of the family."

"Again with the ridiculous rumors! What makes you say that?"

"The interviews the Wayne children give. Take a look."

The show cut away from the gossip hosts to show Tim in his civvies walking out of a Starbucks with a tray full of drinks, the paparazzi hounding him. "Timothy! Timothy! What was it like being adopted so soon after the death of Bruce's second son? Do you ever feel like you are replacing Jason?"

Tim snorted, looking the camera dead on with bags under his eyes as he chugged half his coffee. When he was done, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and smirked. "I never feel like I am replacing him because it feels like he is still with us. Kind of like a haunting."

The paparazzi shouted more questions about his word choices but Tim put his head phones in and walked away.

The camera cut to Cass and Damian out walking Titus.

"Cassandra! Damian! What's it like living in Wayne manor, a place that is rumored to be very haunted?"

Cassandra looked at Damian with a hint of a smile. "Ghosts are real. Very alive."

Damian tutted at that. "Now leave us be, heathens. We are trying to walk our dog."

Conner narrowed his eyes at Robin, looking between him and his counterpart on screen.

The screen cut away to Dick and Bruce at a gala talking with Selina, a reporter asking about family.

"I miss my little brother, but I feel like a piece of him is still alive."

"The little kitten will always have a special place in my heart."

"Jason is a good kid, a little misguided, but he has a good heart."

The show went back to the hosts, the theorist one practically leaping out of her chair. "See? Wayne used the present tense, meaning Jason is still alive."

"Yeah, okay. People don't come back from the dead."

Something clinked in Conner's head at that statement.

He turned to M'gann and pulled her into the kitchen quietly. Once they were alone, he whispered lowly what he had figured out. "I'm ninety percent sure the Waynes are the Bat family."

M'gann blinked twice before scoffing. "Mhm, now you sound like that TV host. Come on, let's go finish the show."

"But-" M'gann had already walked away, leaving Conner to narrow his eyes at the back of the Bat's heads. He knew they were the Waynes, and he was going to prove it.

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