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Conner straightened his tie one last time before exiting the car, making his way towards the sprawling estate. He was numb, completely and utterly void of any and all emotion. Without M'gann at his side to pull him through this, he wasn't sure he would be able to make it. 

The couple met up with the rest of the team towards the back of the assemblage of chairs, everyone wearing the same somber expression. Nobody said a word as they took their seats, waiting for the mornings festivities to begin.

Once all the seats were taken, a sullen Bruce Wayne approached the podium that was set up outside his home. He cleared his throat into the microphone, gaining the attention of all those in attendance and silencing those who dared whisper.

He began to talk in almost a whisper, slowly gaining in volume as he went. "We...we are gathered here today...not to mourn a loss, but to celebrate the life of a son, a brother, a friend, a loved one. If this feels a bit redundant, its because we've done this once before a few years ago for him. But as we all know, things in Gotham are complicated. And Jason was returned to us, only to be viciously snatched away the same night." Bruce sniffled, dabbing at his eyes with some tissues. "I wish we had more time with him, but life doesn't work that way. The Joker took Jason from us, twice, and for that I hope he rots in hell."

"Jason was my son, my second son. I took him in, loved him like my own because he was my own. Maybe not biologically, but in love. He did good while he was here, and I only wish he knew how proud I am of him." Bruce lifted his eyes from the paper to look at the portrait of seventeen year old Jason, fresh tears leaking out of his eyes. "I also wish my team, especially Superboy, didn't involve him in their schemes to out my family as the Bat family. If they hadn't maybe Jason would still be alive."

Conner felt the blood drain from his body as he made eye contact with Bruce. "That's right. I know what you did Conner. Why did you have to text him? You got him killed, Conner! You killed my son."

Conner jolted awake just as the rest of the Bats began to chant that Jason's blood was on his hands, a cold sweat covering his body.

He turned in the hospital chair, looking to see that the Bats looked exhausted and were still refusing to sleep until they heard from the doctor on Jason's condition. Conner looked to the other side and noticed most of the team, save for Cassie and Wally, had left already.

He gulped, looking back at the Bats. He knew he should tell them it was his fault, he just wasn't sure this was the right place or time.

But if Jason didn't make it...

Shaking the thought out of his head, Conner stood up from his chair and made his way towards the Waynes, his hands slightly trembling. He stopped when he was a few feet away, clearing his throat to get their attention. They looked up, shocked to see he was still there.

"Conner, you can go home. We'll let you know what the doctor says." Tim yawned.

"I need to tell you guys something." Conner decided to just blurt it out. "I texted Jason to see if he wanted to help us out you guys at the gala to the team. He said yes. Its my fault he got shot. If I hadn't texted h-"

"Conner, Jason is almost an adult. He can make his own decisions. Plus, the only person to blame is the Joker." Dick smiled reassuringly. "Is that what your nightmare was about? Your guilt?"

Conner furrowed his brow. "How'd you know I was having a nightmare?"

"Your body language. Plus, you kept muttering 'my fault' in your sleep." Cassandra shrugged.

Before anyone else could say anything, the doctor walked out of the operating room. "Family of Jason Todd?"

Bruce was over there in an instant, anxiety clear on his features. "Is he okay?"

The doctor sighed. "Well, we got the bullet out, but he lost a lot of blood..." The Waynes deflated, fearing the worst. The doctor noticed this and quickly back tracked. "But he is alive! He is just in a medically induced coma for now until his blood replenishes. You can see him now, if you'd like."

Bruce nodded, leading the charge towards Jason's room. Conner, Cassie, and Wally hung back, saying goodbye to the Bats as they didn't want to intrude on such a private family moment.

Conner pulled out his phone and shot off a text to the team group chat.

The Squad

SB: Jason is going to make it.

Artemis: Oh, good! He really grows on you, y'know?

MM: Maybe you can sleep now?

SB: Hopefully. See you at the mountain?

Conner, Cassie, and Wally exited the hospital, Wally taking off as Cassie flew with Conner back to Mount Justice.

In Jason's hospital room, the Bats all took up positions around Jason's hospital bed, all staring at the shell of their brother/son.

"He looks so...dead." Damian commented, not noticing Dick's flinch at his word choice.

"Well, he did lose a lot of blood." Steph pointed out, taking a selfie with the comatose antihero. When the others shot her a look she just shrugged. "Jason would want me to do it."

"True, true." Tim added, taking his own selfie with his brother.

Dick and Bruce shook their heads at the family's antics.

Barbara's phone went off and she checked it, cursing after she finished reading what it said. "Guys, I gotta go. My dad needs me home. Give Jason my love."

"Will do." Dick kissed her cheek goodbye before taking his seat back next to Bruce and Jason.

The Bats fell asleep to the sound of the soft beeping of Jason's machines, assured that he was alive and well...for now.

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