Chapter 15

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Danny had had a long day at school. They had had a big math test and he was pretty sure he had bombed it. Not that that was anything new. He just hadn't had time to study. All of these ghosts kept bugging him! But he was the only one who could protect Gotham from them. At least back home his parents and the GIW helped a tiny bit. Plus, he had Sam, Tucker, and Jazz. Now, he was totally on his own. As if he hadn't realized that before.

It was about midnight when his ghost sense went off. He sighed when he got to the scene. Not only was his least favorite hunter present, but also a couple of vigilantes that just didn't know how to mind their own business...

"Where are you welp?! I wish to hang your pelt on my wall!" Skulker cried.

"Ew!" Danny appeared in front of him. "That's so gross!" he dodged out of the way as Skulker tried to grab him. "You should know, that I'm an endangered species. Killing me is against the law." Skulker growled as Danny jumped out of the way.

It had taken him a little while, but Danny had slowly started to realize something. When he was human, Danny Fenton was depressed. He had just lost his entire world. Danny had crawled into a shell and didn't want to talk to anyone. However, Danny Phantom was a different story.

When he was in his ghost form, Danny was able to feel happy again. He made jokes, he came up with witty banter, and he even laughed. For some reason, it felt like he was a completely different person. Like he was able to take on anything. He wasn't a weak human who was being overwhelmed with emotions. He was a super being that didn't have to worry about things like that.

"Will you quit moving you worm?!" Skulker yelled.

"First of all," Danny moved out of the way, "I'm not a worm. Second of all, if I stopped moving, you would catch me. And that would be highly unfortunate."

Skulker glared at him again. "If you surrender now, this would all be a lot less painful for you."

Danny shrugged, "But if I surrendered, that wouldn't be any fun. Now, do you know what Plasmius is planning?"

Skulker fired another blast. "I don't care! All I want is your pelt!"

"I did tell you that that was really nasty right?" Danny fired an ectoblast at him.

Batman glared at the fight happening above them. He and Robin had arrived a few minutes before the boy with white hair. Just like the last two times, they weren't even able to land a punch on the creatures. But for some reason, that boy could.

"Give it up Skulker!" the boy yelled. "You're never going to capture me."

He shrugged "Maybe not. But I would settle for killing you." Suddenly he threw a net over the boy. To Batman's surprise, the boy didn't faze through it. In fact, once he was tangled in it, he fell to the ground. The man walked over to him, "Here's a present." He placed a small metal box in front of the boy. As soon as he had set it down, the other man quickly flew away.

Danny watched the box curiously. It wasn't like Skulker to leave before the fight was over. To Danny's surprise, the box suddenly opened. His eyes widened in horror.

Batman and Robin watched as the boy stared at the box. When it opened, the boy started screaming and writhing in pain. They both ran over to him. Batman knelt down and examined the box. There was some kind of red flower vaguely resembling a rose inside. The boy was screaming as tears poured down his face.

Robin knelt next to him and started undoing the net. Batman was going to stop him but decided against it. The boy was in so much pain. Even if he turned out to be their enemy, he couldn't in good conscious make him go through that.

When Robin took the net off of him, he thought that maybe he would stop hurting. But that wasn't the problem. He was free now, but he was still in agony. He looked up at Batman, "What do we do?"

Batman looked back at the boy, who was staring back at him. "Bl...blood..." he choked out.

"Blood?" Robin asked confused. He knelt down next to him. "Tell us what's wrong so we can help you."

"Bl... blossom..." he gasped as the pain intensified. Danny didn't know how much more of this he could take.

"Blood Blossom..." Batman looked at the box in his hands. The box itself appeared to be made out of led. Batman closed the lid of the box.

Instantly, the boy stopped screaming. His eyes closed, and he seemed to pass out. Robin looked up at Batman. "So that flower was the thing hurting him?"

"It appears so." Batman tucked the box into his utility belt. This would require further investigation.

Robin looked back at the boy. "What are we going to do with him? We can't just leave him here."

Batman nodded. "We'll take him back to the cave..."

(A/N - Hey guy, thanks for reading. Happy Easter to all who celebrate. :) I hope you are liking it so far. Stay whelmed and go ghost.)

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