1: Smart Kid

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Mt. Justice, March 26, 2010, 11:34 EST

"Robin. You are being a dick." Kid Flash said as he was thrown to the floor once again, in his attempts to spar Robin. Robin snickered at his word choice.

"Language." Kaldur'ahm said. Kid Flash looked at him and groaned. "Easy for you to say, you haven't been thrown to the ground twenty times in the last fifteen minutes."

"Neither have you. We have been sparring for ten minutes and I have beat you twenty five times." Robin corrected Kid Flash while typing something on his wrist computer. Kaldur'ahm helped Kid Flash stand up. "I didn't even want to spar with you anyway. I was just doing it because you begged."

Robin did nothing but raise his eyebrow in amusement. He continued typing in the middle of the room, seemingly too invested in it to be aware of his surroundings. His fingers typed fast, and his amused smirk soon was gone, and his face was void of any emotion. Kid Flash gave Aqualad a look of confusion before turning back to Robin to ask what he was doing. But the boy was gone. "I hate it when he does that."

Superboy was sitting in the main living room watching the tv. Mostly. Every now and again it would become staticky, but he made no sign of it angering him. Miss Martian was in the kitchen looking at recipes for new desserts she wants to try. "Connor, what about this one? It says it is a 'Dirt Cake'."

Connor looked at her with a concerned look. "I get that we are both new here, but I am pretty sure we aren't supposed to eat dirt."

She laughed softly. "No silly. It isn't real dirt. It is made with a candy called 'Gummy Worms' and cookie crumbles. It also says it has pudding in it."

Connor nodded. "Try it."

Kid Flash walked into the kitchen to get a snack, one of many more for that day. He saw Connor and Miss Martian sitting on the stool looking at something. The oven was on, and baking ingredients were being moved from the counter to their respective places with Miss Martians telekinesis powers. Kid Flash opened the fridge and he saw something that made his stomach growl, and his mouth start to water. "M'gann, please tell me that this is what I think it is."

She looked up from what she was looking at. "I made a dirt cake, but it is not ready yet. I am also making cookies."

Kid Flash looked at her and deadpanned said, "I am in love. Sorry Superboy, she is mine now."

Connor growled softly, and M'gann looked at him. "Don't worry, he is joking. He is just happy I made the dessert."

"Yeah, totally. I'm not gonna steal your girl, dude." Kid Flash said. "Hey, have either of you seen Robin?"

The two of them looked at him and shook their heads. "Why?"

"He was acting weird today. Ya know how he always seems to be training or working out or something? Well he was going extremely hard today. Has been for the past couple of days. And after he whipped my a-"

"Language." Connor said.

"Sorry, after he whipped me, he got really engulfed in his wrist computer thing, and just disappeared. I was just wondering if any of you had seen him."

"Sorry, I haven't seen him since this morning." M'gann said.

"It's alright. Thanks anyway." Kid Flash opened the fridge again, as if he had forgotten what he was in the kitchen for. He picked up an apple or two (or four), then said, "I'll be back for you gorgeous." to the Dirt Cake, and sped away.

M'gann and Connor looked at each other, slight concern on both of their faces. "I hope Robin is alright." M'gann said. Connor grunted a response.

Wayne Manor, March 26, 2010, 14:32 EST

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