7: What Are You Afraid Of?

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Wayne Manor, March 29, 2010, 03:58 EST

The team was abruptly woken up from their sleep by a blood curdling scream. Wally and Artemis had taken up the mantle of staying in Dick's room for the night. Dick's body was thrashing around, his blankets were thrown on the floor, screams escaping his lips. His arms were moving wildly and he ended up hitting one of them on the nightstand table.

Wally was the first to react. He quickly grabbed Dick's hands, holding them down to his sides, pressing them against the bed. "Artemis, grab his legs. Watch for his kick."

Artemis acted quickly, grabbing his legs, keeping him from accidentally kicking her in the face. He continued screaming and thrashing around, while the other members of the team filed in. "Dick, wake up. Wake up!" They called out to the frightened boy.

Somehow he managed to rip free of Wally and Artemis's hold, and he began thrashing even more. Connor and Kaldur dove in to help them hold down each appendage. "M'gann, you need to wake him up. Get inside his head, something." Kaldur said, struggling to hold him down.

"But you told me not to do that. You said it was bad." M'gann was shaking slightly from the terror radiating through the boy. "It is the only option right now. Just do it!"

M'gann shakily nodded before listening to the team. She hesitantly went over to the boys head, and placed her hands on each side of his temples. She closed her eyes, and focused on entering her mind. She screamed and backed away from the boy. "I can't. He has walls up. He is blocking me out, and he doesn't realize it. I can't wake him up." She had tears streaming down her face fast, flowing like a flooded river.

The team felt helpless, not knowing what to do to help the boy, they just kept trying to say anything to get him to wake up.

As suddenly as it had started, Dick's body went limp. He stopped screaming, he stopped thrashing around, and he stopped kicking. The only evidence that showed he had been having a nightmare was the tear streaks on his face, and the blankets on his bed. The team relaxed slightly, and after a minute or so of holding him down to make sure he didn't go back into the fit, they let go.

Wally ran out of the room and came back within seconds with a first aid kit, for both Dick, and the Team. He wrapped Dick's arm up, the one that hit the nightstand, as M'gann helped bandage the team. Thankfully Dick's arm didn't break, but it would have a nasty bruise on it when he woke up.

"M'gann, try to wake him up now." Artemis said. The martian nodded and went back over to the head of his bed. She placed her hands back on his temples and her eyes started to glow green. After a couple seconds she backed away and Dick woke up. He looked confused, not knowing what had happened or why he was awake. He felt a throbbing in his hand and he looked at it, finding it wrapped in a bandage. "What the..?"

Wally sat on the bed next to Dick. "You were having a nightmare. You hit your hand on the nightstand table."

Dick nodded slightly. His tears were still running down his face, and he carefully reached up to stop them, making sure not to hurt his hand. "I don't even remember what it was about."

He saw his blankets on the floor and went to pick them up. Connor beat him to it. He placed the blankets on the foot of the bed, making it easy for Dick to put them back on if he wanted. "I'm sorry for waking you."

They all shook their heads. "Don't be. It wasn't your fault."

Dick nodded slightly. He looked more tired than he did when he went to bed. "Are you okay Dick?" M'gann asked.

He nodded. "Tired."

"Okay, we will leave you to sleep again. Wally and Artemis will be here in case you need anything." Dick nodded, not really paying attention too much, sleep pulling him close. He ended up falling asleep again before they had managed to leave the room. Wally pulled the blankets back up onto his shoulders, making sure the small boy was covered.

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