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The next day, I woke up with the flu. I didn't even want to think about skiing, nor could I, because of the flu, so my mom suggested I spend the afternoon in the hotel's lounge.

The place was very cozy. I decided to sit in an armchair by the fireplace and took the book I'd brought with me.

I'd just ordered the waiter a hot chocolate and had already gone back to my book, when I noticed that someone sat on the couch next door. I was so absorbed in reading that I didn't even look up, after all, people would get up and sit there all the time. So it was only when the waiter brought my order that I saw her, smiling at me.

"Katya!", I said in surprise. "Have you been there for a long time?"

"Just a few minutes," she said with a shrug. "You were so engrossed in the story that I didn't want to interrupt you. Is the book good?"

I just nodded, paying close attention to her for the first time. She was without all the equipment.

"The book is great. It's a romance...", I said, after a while, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Oh, so do you like love stories?", she asked, raising an eyebrow. "I didn't think you were that kind of girl. I thought bold girls weren't melodrama fans."

"Hey, I'm not bold!", I said indignantly.

She just laughed and then asked, "Are you feeling better, Trix? Your mother told me that you'd waken up sick. It was she who told me that you'd come here, so I decided to stop by to see how you were doing... "

Had she been there just to see me?!

"I'm fine. You didn't have to come, I mean, thanks."

"No problem, I'm in between classes," she shrugged. "Too bad you've the flu, today there's no fog. You could even take the cable car and go to lunch at a restaurant that's in the middle of the tracks. The view from there is beautiful... "

"That cafeteria where we went yesterday, you know? The place where you'd left the board. Is that a restaurant?"

"No, that place is just a support for experienced skiers, if they want to go to the bathroom or eat something fast. The restaurant is much further down. Later I'll tell your mother, she might convince you to go there, who knows?"

I didn't know what to say, but then she stood up and said, "Well, I've to go!"

She was already walking towards the exit when I called her. She stopped and turned, and then I got up and went over to her.

"Look, I really don't think I'm ready to step on the snow yet again, so I don't want to take classes, it was very traumatic. But, about that second request from you... I think I can tell you why I did all those things. I mean, it's not that I like to live dangerously, as you defined. But I can explain to you why I acted that way, if you really want to know."

She smiled broadly and said, "I want to. I really want. But it's better later, because I suspect there's a long history behind it. I want to hear everything at once, and since I've to teach in a little while, it won't be a good time. But I've made an appointment to meet some friends at my parents' hotel pub tonight. Do you wanna go with me? I guarantee you there's no snow there..."

I laughed. But, a pub with unknown people scared me a little, so I said, "I don't know if my mom will let me..."

"I bet she does! She asked me to try to cheer you up, since you're not enjoying the trip very much."

So that's why she was being so nice to me...

As it took me a while to answer, she said: "Hey, why are you making this face? Don't think that I'm calling you out just because your mom told me to! I really want you to go with me! "

As I remained silent, she added: "Really, Trixie? Do you also think that I climbed half a mountain to look after you just because your mom asked?"

"And wasn't it?"

She seemed to think for a while and then replied: "Partly... I felt sorry for your mother and your crying brother. But I could've told anyone to go, I'm sure any experienced skier would do that, if we asked."

"So, why did you go?", I crossed my arms.

She smirked and replied: "I couldn't leave a bold girl in that place! It'd scare the bears, they'd end up going down the mountain and scare the guests!"

"Are there bears?" I asked, scared. "And I already said I ain't bold!"

She laughed even more and said: "I'll only tell you if there're bears there if you go to the pub with me. Can I stop by your hotel reception at seven to pick you up?"

I looked at her for a moment, who still had that annoying smile, so I took a deep breath and said: "Okay! But just because I want to know about the bears!"

She winked at me and left the lounge, taking with her all the peace I was feeling.

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