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Since this is the first chapter, I'm going to say, any credit for the art that I use in this book goes to the artists, not me. I DO NOT own these masterpieces. Thank you :)

The days had started to feel shorter and shorter, every passing hour felt the same, well to the fleur family at least. They all wished for something to care for, and yes they tried pets, but the longing was for a girl in the family, not for a despensable lizard, or puppy.

You are probably extremely confused, well that's understandable. The fluer family is completely obsessed with having a daughter,seriously obsessed. So much that they have tried many many times,all failed, resulting in 16 sons, 4 fathers, and three determined mothers.

This lead all the aunts and the uncles and the fathers and the mothers and the brothers, to look for someone to be there sister, of course this person would be doing it wether they wanted to or not. All it takes is a little soothing and then BAM! Someone is completely melted into your hands... right?

The girl would be young, younger than all of them, but old enough that she could comprehend what they would be saying. So the ideal age would be 15-16. Of course this would come with problems an average 15 year old girl would want to date a boy (or girl), tsk tsk, that cannot happen. Their little button won't have any contact with any boys outside of themselves.

so she would have to be innocent enough to not want to do that,  and naive enough to blindly trust them after they took her... shouldn't be too hard right?

Yep, wrong, they kept on looking but they couldn't find a girl who was perfect for them, they cried and shed tears of sadness until they couldn't anymore, so they decided that they needed to go out, maybe to the little diner half across the city.

Little did they know that their little button was working her shift there, and was very much not ready for the presence of the large family.

Now let's look at the other side, little y/n... she is cute, not in any attractive sort of way either, she's too plain featured to be "pretty" and her face was too baby like to be "hot", sure she definitely have a well developed body for a 15 year old, but all anyone can describe her as is cute.

That isn't where the problems end though, we just started.

At home her parents hate her and her brother, they were just accidents, they shouldn't have been in this world. But they were, the 15 year old and the two year old "mistakes".

As I said their parents hate them, so far to that they hurt y/n, mentally with their hurt full words, and physically with the constant attacks on her body. She deflects the gate off her little brother though, always makes sure he is safe and provided for, leaving her to work complete 24 hour shifts at the diner downtown.

Y/N had just dropped off her brother at daycare, and was walking in to her workplace to start her shift, when she noticed the oddly large family crowding the whole place.

Before y/n knew it all 24 pairs of eyes were on her, what she didn't realize was the scheme if plan to take her and make theirs behind their eyes.

They start to realize her oddly pained behavior, and investigate a little more, how will the family react. Will they feel happy at her suffering, will they be angry, or will they want to KILL the people who are holding her back from them?
This isn't how the writing style will be throughout the whole book, it's just what I'm using her too see if anyone likes it.

So how do we feel about the nickname button, I thought it was cute, but the people in this are gonna call you different things like sweetheart or honey.

Please keep in mind that this is a yandere story, so it might seen that this is just the generic "saved from abusive family" story, nope. Literally the whole family will go protective yandere mode, so it will get gory or bloody so TW.

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