Bad News

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     Simon walked down the hallway, keeping his head down, and trying not to look at anyone who passed. There was a reason he never told people about his brother, it gave them unrealistic expectations. Asher came out of nowhere and began walking next to him again.

     "Hey buddy." Asher called with a mischievous smirk.

     "Hi." Simon replied. He was becoming more comfortable around Asher, and though he struggled to hold a conversation with the boy, he was actually taking a liking to him. "Want me to carry your books?" Asher asked suddenly. Simon was struggling to hold them all stacked in his arms without losing any. 

     "Why?" Simon stopped, looking up at Asher for one of the first times. Asher was good looking, not that Simon noticed that kind of thing, but he was. His hair was parted down the middle, in a style that Simon didn't like on most people, but it worked with Asher for some reason. 

     "Oh.. Uh.. You just seem to be struggling, and my arms are empty..." Asher rambled running a never nervous hand through his blonde-ish hair. 

      "Sure. I guess so. Th-Thank you." Simon responded quietly, and Asher grinned, reaching over to take the heavy pile. Asher was, as he usually was, confused by his own actions. He'd never have offered to carry a team members anything, but something had come over him. A few people who passed them, offered strange looks, but Asher just glared until they looked away. 

     "It's weird." Simon said suddenly.

     "What is?"

     "Everyone's so afraid of you..." Simon remarked, looking out from under his short hair for a moment.

     "Are you..." Asher grunted to clear his throat, his voice coming back slightly deeper than before, "Are you afraid of me?"

      "I'm afraid of most people." Simon smiled, "But I don't think I'm very scared of you. You seem perfectly nice to me." Simon's bright eyes met Asher's for just a moment, then flashed back to the floor.

      "I'm not." Asher replied plainly, and Simon eyed him suspiciously, "But I want to be... I guess."

     "Then you will be. That's all you really need." Simon's smile was genuine, and Asher couldn't help but smile in response. 


     "Simon." A voice called almost immediately after Asher disappeared into class. Simon flipped around to see Shea walking right towards him. Shea looked both ways as if he was trying to make sure he wasn't being watched. "I need to talk to you." Shea called harshly, his black hair frazzled and curling below his ears. 

     "Simon?" Asher's voice came from down the other hallway, the same one he'd left down. Shea grabbed Simon roughly by the collar and dragged him into the nearby janitor closet. Simon's eyes lit up with fear, and Shea lifted his hand to block Simon from attempting to call out. "Are you alr-" Asher's voice began, but stopped when it realized Simon wasn't in the hallway.  The closet was pitch black, and the boys could barely see. Simon began struggling, and feeling along the wall.

     "What are you doing?" Shea asked. 

    "I'm just trying to find a light." Simon whispered. Eventually he found the light switch, and the small room, cluttered with cleaning supplies came into focus. "So what? You don't talk to me for days, and then you tackle me into closets?" Simon accused, and Shea winced.

    "I'm sorry about that. I can't tell you why we can't talk anymore."

     "And why not?" Simon demanded. 

     "You're just going to have to trust me for now." Shea begged, and the look of sincerity in his eyes made Simon want to believe him. "And you're going to have to trust me on this next part too." Shea paused to breathe. "Asher isn't who you think he is. He's bad news, and if you care about me at all, you'll stay away from him." Simon's face twisted.

     "Asher's given me no reason to believe he's bad. You on the other hand..." Shea felt like that statement was a direct shot to his heart.

     "I'm really sorry, Simon...." 

    "Shea... I want to believe you.. I really do but..." Simon protested.

    "Just think about it."

    "Fine." Simon obliged, then reached for the door. He turned the handle, without realizing the two boys were leaning on it, and they spilled out onto the floor. Shea landed on top of Simon, and paused for a moment after they fell.

     "What's going on here?" Asher asked harshly. He was leaning next to the closet door, with his arms crossed over his chest. Shea looked like he was just about to crap his pants, but Asher on the other hand had his face twisted in an ugly glare. Simon's phone buzzed in his pocket, and he pulled it out to see a message from his brother, telling him he'd gotten to the school. 

     "My brother's here. I need to go." Simon stated quickly.

     "I'll walk you." Asher's harsh tone penetrated the silence, and he never let his eyes flicker from Shea.


     "Who was that?" Simon's brother asked after he got in the car.

     "That's my friend Asher."

     "Hmm." Liam hummed.

     "What?" Simon asked defensively.

     "Nothing. I just know his type." Liam responded, one arm on the wheel, the other one on the window. 

     "You don't even know him."

     "Oh I know him, alright. Boys like him are bad news." Liam said plainly.

     "Boys like you?" Simon accused, and Liam flinched slightly.

    "Yes." Liam sighed, " And boys like me aren't good enough for boys like you... Just be careful. He makes me nervous, especially around my little brother."

     "You have no idea how popular of an opinion that is..." Simon mumbled to himself, turning to stare out the window.

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