The Boy

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Simon stood with his bike at the driveway to the school. He was hoping to ride off before the boys found him and asked him to go somewhere crowded, but his luck had worn off.

"Simon?" Asher called, waving to him from across the quad. "We can take my car, I'll put your bike in the trunk."

"Oh.. uh." Simon began, but Asher grabbed hold of the bike, and began walking towards the car. Simon sighed and hurried after the blonde boy. "Where are we going?"

"Out." Asher smirked, titling his head to the side. Shea sat in the back of Asher's car, and kit sat in the passenger seat, so Simon went to the back. "No no no. Kit you've got to go to the back with Shea, It's Simon's birthday." Asher commanded, and Kit shrugged and moved to sit with Shea. He didn't know the dark haired boy very well, but he was fond of making new friends. Simon slotted himself uncomfortably into the passenger seat and buckled in. Asher hopped into the driver's side, and began blaring music almost immediately. Simon wondered if this must be what it was like to have lots of friends, and for once envied his lonely self from a few months prior. Just being in the car with so many strangers spiked his anxiety. Asher drove them to a diner not far from town, and got out of the car quickly.

"Here we are." He smiled, "The best diner this side of the train tracks." The place was clearly a small mom and pop diner, but it smelled good from the outside so Simon decided to give it a chance. "I go here with Garrett all the time its my favorite." Asher murmured, patting Simon's shoulder. The group sat down at a red leather booth, and Asher began pointing out different item on the menu. Simon had tried to sit next to Shea and Kit, but Asher wedged himself in between Simon and Shea. "What kinds of food do you like to eat, birthday boy?"

"Anything really."

"You should get a burger then, this place has great burgers, right Shea?" Asher nudged Shea with his elbow.

"What? uh.. year." Shea's eyes darted away. He had a wistful look about him, and was overall disinterested as Asher discussed the football team.

"So then coach said..." Asher's tangent continued.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Simon stood up suddenly and scampered off. In his absence the table fell into silence.

"How 'bout them Red Socks?" Kit attempted to lighten the tension, but Shea refused to make eye contact, and Asher was too busy twiddling his thumbs to respond.

Simon splashed water on his red face. The restaurant was too warm, and his clothes were too tight, and the booth was too small, and there were just way too many people for such a small restaurant on a random Monday. When he looked up again he saw puffy bloodstained eyes, and irritated skin looking back again. Simon was prone to hives, and pulled a medicinal ointment to make the swelling go down. He pulled at the collar of his blue sweater, hopping it might hide the redness before it subsided. Simon always felt ugly, and when he stared at his reflection too long his self esteem would plummet. People had told him for years he was attractive, and he was, but knowing something is true, and believing it were two very different things.

"Sorry." A man said as he entered the bathroom, "Didn't mean to interrupt." Simon shook his head to indicate nothing had been interrupted. "You're a cute one, aren't you?" The boy stated.

"I have to go."

"Now hold on a minute, we're just getting our conversation started" the boy smirked.

"People are waiting for me."

"They can wait a little longer. Now what's a guy like me got to do to get someone like you's number?" The boy held up a Samsung phone.

"You don't even know my name." Simon backed up slightly.

"I will once you put it in my phone." The boy stepped forward.

"People are w-waiting for me..." Simon's back pressed against the hand dryer. His eyes darted about for an escape route, but the boy was blocking the door.

"I'm waiting for you, now are you going to give me your number or not?"

"I have to go." Simon repeated.

"Why?" The boy asked with a glint of anger in his eyes.

"I- I..."

"He said he has to go." A foreign voice boomed from the door. Simon's pleading eyes jumped to Asher's figure standing behind the boy. "Now are we going to have a problem? Or are you going to let my friend here leave?"

"What's it to you?" The boy questioned, puffing out his chest, but he was significantly shorter than Asher, and far less muscular. "You like 'im?"

"Simon go back and sit down." Asher commanded.

"Asher.. I-"

"Just go." Asher's eyes never left a death grip with the boy, but Simon walked, head down, from the bathroom and sat down next to a bewildered looking Shea.

"What happened?" Kit asked.

"I have absolutely no idea." Simon whispered.

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