Al Ghul Siblings

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Ace and Lilian were still in their position but Ace was now scrolling on his phone with one hand while his other on Lilian's waist. She liked the feeling of it really, but she didn't want to get out of hand nor push anything. So she just enjoyed the moment.

Damian and Bruce pulled up to the house. Damian in his 2021 Rolls Royce Black Badge Ghost. And Bruce in the 2021 Chevy since he brought the others.
Loud knocks where heard at the door but the two teenagers didn't mind.
"Oh, oh. Mr. Wayne, what a delight and your sons-."
"We just came here to ask if my daughter happened to be in this area or in here for any specific reason. No offense."

Ace and Lilian walked downstairs and saw the door filled with boys, girls and a huge man most of Gotham must of feared. "Dad." Lilian trailed off. Why and how did they get here.
"Lilian, let's go." Bruce said turning and going to the jeep.
"Um. I'll text you later." She said quietly as their hands slid away from each others as Lilian walked away. She thanked Ace's parents for their kind hospitality for the hours she was there and then stepped out. "Your riding with me, Jason, Rose and Raven."

Damian got into the driver seat Jason in the passenger and the three girls in the back having Rose in the middle.

Half way home Lilian didn't nor wasn't going to say anything. If she did she would scream her head off and that would just get her in more trouble. So she kept it to herself. She wanted to lock herself in a room so bad. Torture herself. And maybe even wished her mother was alive again. She hated this place now. The place where she thought love was going to be easy. Having a brother now 4. Plus their partners wasn't all that easy. Being the smallest isn't all the fun you could think it is.

A voice snapped Lilian out of her reminiscing thoughts.
"Why." Damian said speedily swerving through the traffic.
Lilian didn't answer but Damian was a shit ton of angry. "Why Lilian." He said again.
"Lil-" Raven tried to reach across.
"Don't fucking touch me." She said pushing her hand away.
"Lilian that's not a way to treat a girl." Jason said furious. "Says you." She said balling up her fist feeling like she was going to explode any minute.
"What is wrong with you." Damian said pulling into the driveway, Bruce doing the same. "Maybe I want a break, maybe he's helping me. What more do you want to know?! What more do I have to say Damian, what, do, you, guys, want, from, me?!"
Lilian opened the car door getting out slamming it not giving a damn that Rose wanted to get out.
"Damn your little angel's going through it." Rose said as they walked speedily behind her into the house.
"What is your deal with this guy." Damian asked as the others were now going through the door behind her also. "You don't know anything about this guy. All you want me to do is live a boring happy life right? It doesn't work like that big brother. You. Your nothing like Talia said. Maybe I even miss her. Miss them. "You where supposed to be there and you weren't. I had a father and no one told me. No one told me I had a brother and a father out there. I, Damian, I, had to figure that out on my own. Now if you want me to live a boring happy life send me back. I don't really care right now. Fuck you"

"Lilian Wayne." Bruce said as he heard her painful tear filled voice walking in the room. "I'm not a Wayne. I'm not yours. I'm Talia's." She said going to her room.
Lilian locked the door and slid down the wall. "She hated herself. She hated life. She didn't want to be in it.
"I can-"
"No it's fine Rave. I'm just going to go to the library for a few hours." He said as he slackened his tie and cleared his throat.

Everyone was there. Watched what went down. Two Al Ghul siblings in the worst possible situation.

The house was quiet for the rest of the evening. Bruce was in his office just finishing work. Or maybe looking at files on his daughter to. He didn't know what to do. All of this was over a boy. But he hated the idea of her dating. He wanted her to see the world first before she devoted herself to any boy outside of this family. He just wasn't ready. And he doesn't think he'll be any time soon.

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