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Izuku walked for hours until the sun hat set and it was already late at night. He was trying to find a location marked on Overhaul's list of abandoned bases that was still salvageable. The location was well hidden and was perfect for a big group to use as a base. The base was abandoned due to being suspected by the heroes and Overhaul didn't want the risk of being discovered. 

It took some time but he finally arrived at the base that was located in the outskirts of Mustafu. It was like any other building that looked abandoned, yet once inside he walked up to a wall and typed in a hidden code. The wall opened to reveal an elevator, the elevator led to the underground bunker with a living area, kitchen, five rooms, a training room, lab, an intel room, and an armory. 

Izuku walked into one of the bedrooms and tucked Eri into the bed, before going to bed Izuku decided to take a shower. After he finished he got dressed into a tank top and sweat pants and laid on the bed putting Eri on his chest then fell asleep. 

The next morning Izuku would awake to Eri crying, he gets up and hold her in his arms as he says, "It's alright little one, you're okay." After a few minutes, Eri would stop crying and would open her eyes to see Izuku, she wasn't scared of his mask but instead, she would reach her tiny hands out to him. Izuku would lower his finger and Eri would grab it and then begin to smile, even though his face was covered Izuku would smile as Eri would giggle.

Izuku would move into the kitchen to prepare a bottle for Eri, when he was finished he would feed Eri before cooking breakfast for himself. Eating was always a struggle for Izuku ever since he got his injury. His mask's purpose was to dispense a pain-killing gas so that he could breathe without feeling the pain from his lungs. But when he had to take off his mask to eat or drink he would experience excruciating pain with each breath he took. Now that he was in the bunker he discovered cases filled with painkillers in the infirmary, the only problem was that they only lasted for a limited time.

After Izuku was finished he went to the living room and turned on the tv to see a news report covering All Might stopping a villain attack. Izuku would analyze the attack site to see many buildings destroyed just to capture three villains. Izuku would say, "All of that damage and possibly leaving families homeless, only to capture three villains and get all the credit. He doesn't care about the well-being of people, only the fame and money."

Izuku would feel a tug on his shirt and would look down to see Eri attempting to climb on top of him while making babbling noises. Izuku would smile then pick her up and say, "Perhaps it's best to remain hidden for some time." 

-1 year later-

Izuku would use this time to gain intel on the hero commission because he knew that they were responsible for all this chaos and used the heroes to cover up their dirty work. He kept tabs on heroes that are involved with being the commission's dogs, two heroes that were on the top of his list were All Might and Endeavor. Izuku found footage of All Might and Endeavor abusing their power many times when they're not doing hero work along with beating villains to the brink of death even if the crime was a simple mugging. 

Izuku would also investigate the intel room and would uncover many files that Overhaul had stored in the computers. The files would show the heroes and villains he made deals with and his involvement with the hero commission. It took some time but he found out the connection between Overhaul and the commission, his job was to take criminals and experiment with the venom and report his results. 

Izuku was relieved that there was never a success before him but that means that the commission would become suspicious of Overhaul's sudden disappearance. Now this means that he had to prepare for anything. Izuku found the formula to reproduce the venom along with his pain-killing gas so his supply could last for years. While Izuku was uncovering secrets he was also taking the role of Eri's father. 

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