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-1 year later-

Izuku is twenty-two, Toga is thirteen, and Eri is four. Toga's training has improved and can do two times more of her workout without much difficulty. Izuku observed her progress and decided to tell her some good news during dinner and said, "Toga your training has greatly improved this past year, I believe it's time you learned combat." Toga paused from drinking her water and said excitedly, "Really?!" 

Izuku nodded and said, "Yes you have enough strength and stamina to begin and you will only improve more. But before you begin I need to know if you have any preference in a fighting style and weapon." Toga thought for a minute and said, "Well back when being a hero was in mind I wanted to be stealthy and have needles that stored blood so I could disguise as anyone I choose." 

Izuku hummed and said, "That's an interesting concept, those needles are a good idea and it would be better if you wielded knives to defend yourself. It would be best to start with simple martial arts." Toga says excitedly, "I've always wanted to throw a knife!" Izuku chuckled and said, "In due time Toga. Go on and rest, we start tomorrow." Toga goes to her room and Izuku picks up Eri to take to bed. Izuku was getting Eri ready for bed but noticed she seemed to be bothered by something. 

Izuku asks, "Is something wrong Eri? You seem troubled." Eri says, "O-oh it's just my horn has been itchy lately papa." Izuku hummed and said, "Let me see." Eri takes her hand away for Izuku to inspect the horn, he notices it has grown a little and says, "You did turn four not too long ago and your horn grew slightly. It could be possible that your quirk is going to activate soon." Eri asks, "Really?" Izuku nods as he says, "Yes, and don't worry about a thing. Toga and I will be with you no matter what." 

Eri hugs Izuku and says, "I love you papa." Izuku hugs back and says, "I love you too little snowflake." The next day Izuku is showing Toga the basics of martial arts on a training dummy and she was trying to copy his moves as Eri cheered them both on. This went on for a couple of weeks until one day while Izuku was helping Toga with her fighting technique until they both heard a cry of pain come from Eri. 

She tripped on some training equipment and scratched her knee but suddenly her quirk activated as her horn started to glow bright and her scratch faded away. But her quirk didn't stop. Izuku rushed over and said, "Eri you have to calm down, breathe!" Eri tried to breathe but she was still panicking, with no other choice Izuku took off his mask and said, "Eri look at me." Eri looked at Izuku as he calmly said, "Copy my breathing." 

Izuku breathed in and out slowly and Eri copied him and in a matter of seconds, Eri's horn dimmed as her quirk deactivated. Eri jumped into Izuku's arms and cried as he rubbed her back and said, "It's alright snowflake I got you." Eri fell asleep in his arms due to exhaustion. Izuku started breathing heavily in pain and clenched his chest then said, "T-toga my m-mask." Toga quickly grabbed his mask and helped him put it back on. 

Izuku took a deep breath in and out as Toga worriedly asked, "Are you okay?" Izuku said, "Yes, thank you." Izuku stood up and went to the living room with Toga following behind him. Izuku gently placed Eri on the couch with a blanket and said, "She will most likely be asleep for a while, a quirk awakening like that will take a toll." Toga looked at Eri then back at Izuku and asked, "But what about you? You said when you take your mask off it's very painful." 

Izuku looks at Toga and says, "That's correct but no amount of pain will stop me from caring for my loved ones. It reminds me of the day I saved my mother from my father. I had just received a brutal beating and as I was on the ground he threatened to kill her. I fought through the pain as I grabbed a knife and stabbed him in the throat, ending our suffering." Toga hugged Izuku and said, "You never mentioned your old life, that sounds like torture." 

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