Chapter 8

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Tonight's been crazy. Batman bagged Scarecrow today, using his own meds against him. My boss still ain't too happy that the Batman is still running around, though. Especially since that message he left for him. He's furious. He'll take anyone's head if they look at him wrong.

I guess it really is the end of the world. Some people are talking about that giant crocodile again. Others, some kinda walking, talking refrigerator. All I know is if it walks and if it's against Gotham, Batman's got it in the bag.

I'm honestly kind of surprised that Batman could even touch Scarecrow. Word on the street is that he actually got some of that fear toxin personally. I don't know how he walked out of that. The strongest of my peers got hospitalized thanks to it. I'm just glad the Scarecrow's off the streets of Gotham.

To be frank though, I don't think it's gonna last. Not in this city. There's a storm coming, and it ain't good. Scarecrow may be behind bars, but I've got a bad feeling something's brewing in Downtown. Something big is coming.

With all the giant crocodiles and robots and anthropomorphic cats and plant ladies, Something's not right here in Gotham. It's like a magnet for all that is morally evil.

At least it's also a magnet for the Batman. We really don't deserve someone of his speed. He's faster, stronger, and smarter than anyone in Gotham.

Hopefully there won't be too much in the coming days. In like, a week, the Gotham Christmas Town stuff is goin' on. It's like going to Santa's Village in the mall your family always visits, and sitting on Santa's lap. There's games, a Santa, a giant freakin' tree and lots of other themed stuff. I think this year they even got robot reindeer.

I wouldn't be too surprised if that's when things do down, though.

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