Chapter 13

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With no time to lose, I ran for Wayne Tower. Charging as fast as I could, I dashed to the tower at an accelerated speed due to my suit. I tore the Grapple gun off my side and threw myself into the air, gliding to the tower faster than I've ever flown before. At long last, I arrived to find the entrance had been destroyed and there was blood and dead workers everywhere. By the time I got to the elevator alone there were over a hundred dead men and women scattered across the floor.

Rising up in the elevator, I waited impatiently for it to reach the top floor. That was the only place a signal could reach from Wayne Tower to Gotham's outskirts. As I finally reached the top I encountered a hole in the ceiling. He had gotten himself to the roof. I threw myself upward and landed on to rooftops of Wayne Tower. Awaiting me was the Joker.

"Well, well, well... I must say, Batsy... You're one hell of a guy. Climbing up 67 floors to get to little 'ol me..." he said. He pulled out a knife and twenty men emerged from the stair door. "You can't keep up with this much, can you?"

"...Watch me."

Combat was initiated. I countered, struck, and dodged countless moves. I fought until there was no more fight left to do. I beat thug after thug mercilessly to pulps. Finally, there were only two. Me and the Joker.

"I hate to kill the fun, Batsy, but I gotta dash! But just remember... I'll be home for Christmas! Wahahahaaa!" he laughed. A stolen Waynetech Helicopter emerged from the roofline and he jumped aboard. I shot my Grapple at it but it got away too fast for me to catch. The Joker had gotten away.

December 24th, 10:42 P.M. It's been 6 days. The Joker hasn't shown his face since the 18th. He eluded to Christmas, saying he'd be back in time for it. I've been waiting, watching, hunting for him. The aftermath of Victor Fries' machines is over. Gotham has returned relatively to normal. People are excited for the holiday to come, others fearing the Joker may return.

"Master Bruce..." Alfred began. I turned in my chair towards him. "You haven't eaten for two days... May I suggest you get some food, sir?"

"Not hungry."

"I know you have a reputation to uphold as the Batman, but, I must suggest you eat, sir--" he started before an alert sounded. An explosion at Arkham Asylum. I had to investigate. I fired up the Batwing and flew to the asylum as fast as possible. Within moments I had finally arrived. The front of the asylum was a smoldering crater. Heaps of prisoners had begun rushing from the blown doors. To their dismay, police forces and trapped them on the island by closing the bridge.

The prisoners all stood in the front area of the asylum, trying to figure out how to escape. As they talked among themselves, I landed in the middle of the group.

"Oh crap." said one of the prisoners. They all stared at me in my new suit of armor and after thinking for all of one second they made a break for their cells. I stormed through the smoldering asylum until I came across a television set. It crackled to life to reveal the face of the Joker.

"Oohoohooo! Batsy! You're already here for the fun!" he laughed. "Why don't you come and meet me in my office? I've got a surprise for you..."

I stormed forward through the asylum. Escaped prisoners looked down the hall to see me and thought I'd be a pushover while outnumbered. They forgot to take in the fact that I'm the Batman and paid for it in seconds. Finally, through onslaught after onslaught of prisoners and patients, I arrived at the warden's office.

"Batsy, batsy, batsy! You old bastard! C'mere and give me a hug!" he said. I tackled him to the ground in regards. "Well, that isn't a very nice way to treat an old friend!" he laughed. He kicked me off of him and grabbed a detonator.

"Take one more step and the town hall explodes, and it'll be one hell of a show." he threatened.

"You wouldn't do it."

"Is that so? Whoooopsy!" he joked. In his 'joke' he accidentally activated the detonator. A massive explosion was heard in the distance. I turned to face the city and saw

the flaming combustion rise.

"...How many people did you just kill?"

"Two hundred. And seventeen people." he said proudly, laughing.

I tackled him again and began beating him to a pulp. This man was insane. Killing people without a reason. Destroying lives for fun. He had to be stopped. Filled with rage, I hit him ten times for every person he killed. Two thousand, seven hundred and ninety strikes later, he lie there, covered in his own blood, still alive. He began coughing.

"...Vengeful, aren't you...?" he asked me. "...Merry Christmas, Batsy..." he said as he lost consciousness. I know he was still alive because I checked his pulse. Police charged into the room. I got up onto my feet, my fists soaked in his blood.

"Freeze! You're under arrest!" yelled one of the officers. I threw a smoke bomb onto the ground and left the room. The Joker was finished. Victor Fries had been stopped. The Scarecrow was defeated. I even bagged Clayface. It's been a long two weeks.

May Gotham never need me again.

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