damian wayne x reader

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Damien Wayne wasn't one to believe in love. As the son of the Dark Knight himself, he had always been taught to keep his emotions in check and focus solely on his mission. But then he met Y/N, daughter of Matan, an Arabian goddess, the half-sister of Raven, and the daughter of Trigon.

Y/N was unlike anyone he had ever met before. Her beauty was ethereal, her power undeniable, and her spirit fierce. As they fought together against evil creatures and malevolent forces, Damien couldn't help but feel drawn to her.

Despite their differences, Damien and Y/N soon found themselves falling in love. They shared quiet moments together, watching the stars and talking about their hopes and dreams. They danced under the moonlight, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. And when they fought side by side, they protected each other with a ferocity that only true love could inspire.

But their love was not without challenges. Y/N's father, Trigon, was a powerful and dangerous demon who would stop at nothing to destroy the world and claim his daughter's power. Damien knew that he had to protect Y/N at all costs, even if it meant sacrificing his own life.

As they faced off against Trigon in a final battle, Damien and Y/N fought with everything they had. The air crackled with energy as they unleashed their powers, their love for each other giving them strength.

In the end, they emerged victorious, but not without cost. Damien lay injured on the ground, his body battered and bruised. Y/N rushed to his side, tears streaming down her face.

"Don't leave me," she whispered. "I love you."

Damien smiled weakly, taking her hand in his. "I love you too," he said. "Always."

And with those words, he closed his eyes and slipped away, content knowing that he had found true love in the most unexpected of places. Y/N wept for him, but she knew that his sacrifice had helped save the world and protect the ones he loved.

From that day forward, Y/N carried Damien's memory with her always, knowing that he would always be watching over her and guiding her on her journey. And though their time together was brief, their love was eternal.

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