batfam' x lesbian reader

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On a quiet evening at Wayne Manor, the Batfamily members were dispersed, each attending to their respective duties. Bruce Wayne, ever the vigilant protector of Gotham, monitored the city's activities from the Batcave. Meanwhile, his youngest daughter, Y/N Wayne, found herself with a rare break from her crime-fighting endeavors.

In her room, Y/N scrolled through her playlist, searching for the perfect soundtrack to accompany her evening plans. The lively beat of "I Kissed a Girl" by Katy Perry resonated through her headphones, setting the mood for a relaxed night ahead. Unbeknownst to Y/N, her brothers had just returned from their nightly patrols, and the unexpected pop music piqued their curiosity.

Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, and Damian Wayne exchanged puzzled glances as they followed the melodic trail to Y/N's room. Dick, always one to appreciate a mystery, knocked on the door, announcing their presence.

Y/N quickly removed her headphones, a playful smile on her face. "Hey, what's up?"

Damian raised an eyebrow. "Care to explain the musical shift in Wayne Manor?"

Y/N chuckled. "Just felt like something different tonight. Is that a crime?"

Dick, leaning against the door frame, smirked. "Katy Perry, though? Really?"

Y/N shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Gotta keep you guys on your toes."

Tim, the ever-curious youngest sibling, grinned. "What's the occasion? Planning a solo dance party?"

Y/N rolled her eyes. "No occasion, just enjoying some downtime."

The Batfamily dispersed, leaving Y/N to continue her evening of relaxation. Little did they know, Y/N had plans beyond a solo dance party. She had invited her girlfriend, Alex, to join her for a quiet night at Wayne Manor.

As Y/N and Alex settled into the living room, the pop music continued to play softly in the background. Laughter and whispered conversations filled the air as the couple enjoyed each other's company. Unbeknownst to them, the Batfamily, having finished their nightly routines, gathered in the Batcave.

Dick, leaning against the Batcomputer, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "Anyone else curious about what Y/N is up to tonight?"

Jason, analyzing data on another screen, nodded. "It's not every day she decides to turn Wayne Manor into a dance club."

Tim, always ready for action, grinned. "Maybe we're missing the real party!"

Dick, the most experienced among them, suggested, "Let's check it out. Just to make sure everything's okay."

The Batfamily made their way to the living room, guided by the distant sounds of laughter and music. As they approached, the scene unfolded before them – Y/N and Alex wrapped up in each other's presence, sharing a quiet moment.

Y/N looked up, surprise registering on her face. "Hey, guys! Didn't expect you back so soon."

Jason, a smirk playing on his lips, gestured towards Alex. "And who's this?"

Y/N grinned, introducing Alex to her siblings. "This is Alex, my girlfriend."

The room fell momentarily silent as the Batfamily processed the information. Damian, breaking the silence, raised an eyebrow. "Girlfriend? Since when?"

Y/N exchanged a glance with Alex before answering, "A few months now."

Dick, clapping Y/N on the shoulder, offered a supportive smile. "Well, congratulations! You sure know how to keep secrets."

Barbara, approaching Alex with a friendly demeanor, said, "It's nice to meet you, Alex. Y/N talks about her family all the time."

Alex, sensing the genuine atmosphere, replied, "It's great to meet all of you. Y/N's stories never did justice to how unique this family is."

As the Batfamily welcomed Alex into the fold, the living room once again became a hub of warmth, acceptance, and unexpected joy. The pop music, now serving as a backdrop to the evening, continued to play softly, adding a unique rhythm to the unconventional family gathering.

In that moment, Wayne Manor was not just a fortress against crime but a haven of support, understanding, and love. The unspoken bond that tied the Wayne siblings together extended to those they chose to bring into their fold, creating a tapestry of connections that embraced diversity, acceptance, and the simple joy of sharing a quiet evening with loved ones.

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